Niall Irunta



7 years, 4 months ago


(Niall along with almost all of the other princes are open to be played and expanded on by others)

Characters Name: Niall Irunta

Race: Gyrian (harpy eagle/ melanistic (black) jaguar)

Sex: male

Birthday: June 6th

Age: 35

Occupation: 2nd son of Siempre Flor

Family: He has his younger brother Anaru as well as at least 2 other siblings, Father has passed away and his mother rules

Appearance: 6’9”, Dark skinned, he is tall and heavily built as a warrior but capable of being perfectly silent, he is heavily tattooed

Hair: black hair in a Mohawk, the sides are tattooed with tribal patterns

Eyes: black or so they seem, but looking closely they are a very dark green and when excited they lighten to almost be streaked with emerald

Fashion: Earth tones as he is always actively out on patrols around the city. Tends to usually go shirtless or in a simple vest when needed. Wears pants done up with bindings along the calfs as well as a wide tribal belt

About: Niall is one of the oldest suitors for the new High Queen and sees it more as duty something which he takes very seriously. His mere presence with being one of the tallest of his people often makes most people feel a bit intimidated by him at first glance. He isn’t a man of many words. In battle he is a fierce advisory, moving surprisingly fast despite his bulk.