Detailed Worth Code's Comments

can I see a full example of this in use?

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Hello! I’ve been using this code for a while, but I recently changed my css and it doesn’t customize bootstrap colors D: is there any way to change the bootstrap colors here to just hex codes? Like a code snippet thing lol, I’ve been messing with it but I’m not a very experienced coder by any means. Thank you!


but yes! you can do it in a few ways, one is by changing the bootstrap colors in your css directly (if you dont like the bootstrap colors/dont feel they go w/ your theme then id recc this) or you can change em inline. for the custom css ver., look at what the 'class' is for what you want to change. e.g., <div class="bg-info">, bg-info is the class that you want to copy. go to your css, and add .class{background-color: #hex;}, changing class to be what you took from the html earlier. if you cant see your changes, add !important to the end, before the ; like .class{background-color: #hex!important;}

inline you do pretty much the same, but just have it in style. e.g., <div class="bg-info"> -> <div style="background-color: #hex;">

No worries lol, I’m just as late!
I think I understand what I need to do, but the bits of code I’m trying to change/edit with the snippets you gave (in the actual code itself) start with // <tr class="bg-info"> // vs <div class..>. Switching the ‘tr’ to ‘div’ breaks it lol?
I also tried the css thing first, but my css doesn’t address or edit bootstrap colors at all, meaning there’s no section for bootstrap colors to edit lmao 😩 I hope that all made sense haha, if you don’t have any other tweeks it’s alright, I like the code enough to bear with the odd bootstrap colors with my theme lol

sweats now im double late, i am.. trying to get better about checking this account. i figure by now you've either figured it out or ditched the code but i realize that my initial explanation was a little confusing and i'd at least like to elaborate for completeness sake ^^

so, theres 2 things you can do to change bootstraps colors--change the css or change them inline. what i was trying to guide you to do was use css selectors to target one specific item on the page, which i wouldnt recommend unless you Absolutely have to. if you want to change every bootstrap color, theres 6 'main' ones. primary, secondary, danger, warning, and info. bootstrap is a css library, meaning its a large collection of css classes (thats what the class="" in <div class="" is!) that are predefined for you. bootstrap is notably... massive. it has many different classes for these 6 colors, and it can be difficult to target all of them (hence why you dont often see full bootstrap re-themes). iirc on toyhouse, bootstrap is already processed so specifying colors in root:: doesnt work. basically, if you want to change bootstrap colors for Everything you'll need to specify it for every text, bg, btn, etc. class that exists. if you want to change it for just this code, i'm using .bg-info, .bg-danger, .bg-success, and a (for links, this is the bootstrap primary color)

if you want to do it inline, anywhere where theres a .bg-(color) you'll want to replace that with style="background-color:#hexcode". for the links, style="color:#hexcode"!

wrt to the div vs tr, div is just a general example--div is more universally used. the tr exists in the code because its how tables function (short for table row, hopefully self explanatory), which is what its based on!

hope this helped ^^!

heya! im interested in using this! where can I copy and paste it?

nvm found it! xD

haha glad you found it! lmk if you have any other questions!

nah i got it all! this is who I used it for :D

looks great!!