KIM Sun-Hi



4 years, 13 days ago


Even falling stars still shines.

We all pretend to be the heroes on the good side
But what if we're the villains on the other

Go to: Basics, Design, Personality, Story, Relationships, Trivia


Kim Sun-Hi
Kpop Idol

Suna (Sun+Luna)
3rd October



Brown/pink/blond, long, wavy
body type


Sun-Hi is quite an introvert girl, she is very gentle, a bit too pure, she rarely says what she thinks. She‘ll always do her best to be seen in a good way. But the reality is that it’s just a façade, she had to learn to act this way for her label and better sell herself, in truth she is quite arrogant, somewhat pervert, she doesn’t hesitate to says what she thinks and be kinda hurful. She never really show this face of herself. She is quite energetic and she adores hanging out with people, she likes crowds and attention. She is also really affectionate and really ambitious, she never let go of her objectives. However with her act, she can’t really show herself being so energetic, in general she would stay quite calm and open to others but won’t look for attention. She also does her best to show her in the best way, always pretty, healthy and in a good mood.  She shuts down her own emotions to be the perfect idol her fans love. In her true nature she is quite tactile and cuddly, but she’d keep her distance with her act. As for the flaws given to her for her act she has to be scatty and clumsy, but in truth she is on the opposite quite skillful. It was also imposed to her to seem imature, while in reality she is quite mature and knows the troubles in life and society, she is quite realistic while in her act she is idealistic. She is the workaholic type, she works hard and a lot, she trains everyday, keeping an intense sportive routine, she always give her maximum in everything she does. She can be possessive and over protective to people she loves a lot, and tends to be stuffy, always wanting to take care of others, this part of her exist both in her true nature and her act, being well seen and selling. She has her head on her shoulders et doesn’t give herself objectives she can’t succeed, but she still stay critical to herself, and doesn’t let go of her own mistakes.

Korean street food
Honey Butter Chips

Kpop's lobby
her parents


Sun-Hi is the daughter of a ceo of a record company really well known in South Korea, really young already she was trained to danse and sing, because of her parents who wanted to make her a super korean idol. Actually she was a child prodigy able to sing and danse really good, which rejoiced her parents, exploiting her talents to make profit off of it. During her teen years she entered an idol formation program, she didn’t continue her studies. She then has to train without breaks, in a really hard way, she was cut from the rest of the world, she wasn’t able to see her family and friends, nor she could communicate with the rest of the world. Her conditions of work was really intense, she had few time for herself. She often had to do diets having a morphology and a body that changed often, she would be deprived of food or she would only drink for dinner, creating a periodic anorexia. She would faint quite often due to her lacking food in her body and working really hard. Just before being able to debute finally as an idol, she did undergo through a big plastic surgery to ressemble an idol model, surgery that she didn’t want to do, but she had to continue her career. She would finally debute as an idol with some trainees with who she trained, creating an intense friendship with them. Her band will be called Gidae. Unfortunately, not everything was all happy during her career. One of the member of Gidae, Jung Saejin, saw a sextape of her on internet, posted by her ex boyfriend who beated her frequently, so she wanted to break up with him, she recieved a lot of hate, cyberbullying, to the point where she ended her own life. Following this death Sun-Hi was devastated, she took a break for some months to grieve, but her break will be shortened by her record company who wanted to keep making profit. And while she didn’t need to pay off detbs because of her parents and popularity, she was still dependant financially to her record company. Her band welcomed a new member to replace Saejin, member that Sun-Hi didn’t accept, her band will continue its rise becoming the best k-pop group in the world. But she stood out of the rest as a lead singer and was choosed to become the ultimate k-pop idol. 


Jung Saejin

Her old best friend. She was in her group, Gidae. She commited suicide after a lot of cyberbullying. 

character name

some info about this relationship can go here. some info about this relationship can go here. some info about this relationship can go here.

character name

some info about this relationship can go here. some info about this relationship can go here. some info about this relationship can go here.


She's always smiling, she never stops smiling, even in pain.

A trivia thing can go here

A trivia thing can go here

A trivia thing can go here

A trivia thing can go here