Kyle Russell



3 years, 10 months ago


Kyle is a vampire hunter by trade. Which one may consider a strange trade for a guy in his 40s.. But it's not like he wasn't experienced. Well, you could think that he wasn't, though. One moment of carelessness, and he found himself out of commission due to broken ribs.. But.. c'est la vie.

Kyle's main preferred weapon is his rifle, which is very useful at keeping the fast buggers at bay. Plenty of customized ammo, takes a single shot to take one vampire down. Takes only a single bullet to jam to make Kyle less than useful.

He has.. pardon, had.. a crossbow as backup. It helped him exactly once. Of course he didn't have his regular side-arm with him. He still feels incredibly foolish for forgetting that. Kyle is fairly self-assertive, which means that making a beginner's error like that is a big wound to his confidence. It is a rather bad habit of him, as his silver edged knife was also left behind- years ago. Really a thing he should've picked up at some point. But that's why he has a swiss army knife now! With a nice sharp piece of silver hidden inside.

Kyle's reasons behind becoming a vampire hunter is unknown, and he's unwilling to share it. Last someone asked, he raised an eyebrow and jokingly stated that it was for the fame and fortune, followed by calling said person a dumb-ass. (They should probably haven't asked "Really?" in response.)

Kyle looks like he could've been pulled straight from a noir detective. Shirt. Vest. Overcoat. No tie, they're a noose waiting to happen. And no hats either, they're just a liability. His overcoat is customized so he can hang up his rifle in the slings on the backside, and he has pockets left and right for his pistols- though he admittedly only uses one. Brown suits him well, so that's the color of about his entire outfit. Though he has a green shirt, a gift from a friend, which he sometimes wears, he is more inclined to get a clean white one. His pants may seem fancy and pressed, but that's mostly because it's reinforced and stays in the same shape. Armor for the vampire hunter.

His short, messy brown hair could really use a shave, it's clear he's not from the military or police force or it would've happened some time ago. If he waits any longer, he's doomed to end up with a mullet. His eyes are a dull green, nothing too special, though in light of his outfit and his hair, the only strange color about him.. Well, unless he wears that gift.