Roneth Larier



7 years, 5 months ago


Characters Name: Roneth Larier
Race: Gyrian (snow leopard/gyrfalcon)

Sex: male

Birthday: Dec 10th

Age: 27

Occupation: 5th son of Narni Sar

Family: 4 older brothers, Roneth is the youngest, mother has passed, his father is getting older leaving the oldest brother to be ruling Narni Sar

Appearance: 6’4” muscled, he looks wildly unkept

Hair: rough ragged dark grey dappled hair with black tips, he also has a scruffy beard

Eyes: ice blue, quick to smile

Fashion: always wearing armor, at home he usually wears a fur trimmed collar, in Taradel he usually just wears a light shirt and suede pants with his leather armor often complaining it’s too warm (even if it’s snowing)

About: Youngest of five brothers from one of the harsher areas of Maderia, he defiantly knows how to hold his own among his rowdy siblings. He’s pretty laid back and enjoys picking fights to test his competitions merit; but he never puts much effort into it….he’ll likely just challenge them to a fight. Unless they’re a hot head then he’ll lightly goad them usually by pretending to just be an oaf. He also likes to pretend in duals that maybe he isn’t the best of fighters just defending before going in for the ‘kill/winning’ shot. He likes fighting as well as exploring (without any guards). His styole when fighting though is reckless an he fights in close quarters unlike many Gyrians, his main weapon is a zwaihander (a 5-6 ft sword)