Ira Niamha



7 years, 5 months ago


Characters Name: Ira Niamha

Race: Vixenian Fennec Fox

Sex: female

Birthday: November 29th

Age: 28

Occupation: princess of Maniz

Family: the elder of the twin rulers of Maniz, she is often mistaken for her brother and vice versa, she does much of the ruling due to their fathers failing health along with her brother until he goes to Taradel to court the new high queen-to-be

Appearance: 5’6”, lean and flat chested (she’s a bit self conscious about her lack of a bust), Ira is a slightly finer version of her brother.

Hair: wild swept shoulder length blonde with two longer pieces on either side of her face

Eyes: ruby red, unlike her brothers he eyes are always aware and searching and quick to smile or burn with anger

Fashion: often Ira can be found in a similar form of dress as her brother, though often she has a finer cut of blouse usually with lace trim, her swords also rest on her hips rather than on her back

About: Ira is quick to anger but also quick to return to a place of calm, she is more likely to just punch someone in the face for any insult rather than fully explode like her brother. Her magic is based off of earth magic able to manipulate sand, rock and dirt as needed, she is also quite a skilled artisan able to craft sand into glass creations.