Wren Locksley



4 years, 3 months ago


A character created entirely with the roll of the dice. 

Just your average performer (with a past he's desperately trying to outrun)

Bit of a flirt

Has feathers tattooed up left forearm and bicep

Tiefling, Paladin 2/ Bard 6

A knight who has lost faith in his deity, his oath, and king after uncovering the corruption within the royal family he'd served. Others might call his escape from the kingdom foolish and cowardly. Wren would not disagree. He's set aside his swords and armor for a false persona and fancy robes, adopting a new identity as an entertainer. His earnings (whether they be from legitimate means or from swindling nobles) are redistributed to the poor, partially due to his desire to atone for the wrongdoings of his former liege.

He's kept nothing from his past save for a scrap of fabric that appears to be a scarf. The formerly vibrant color bleached is by the sun and dulled by age. It's impossible to tell what it was before, but the fabric is soft and well cared for...