a'shiki tzaka



3 years, 11 months ago


Catted Girl

extremely shrewd, extremely intelligent, tons of practical knowledge and knows how to work men very, very well. she pretends to be a brainless bimbo to manipulate people into opening their pockets and treating her to the nicer things in life. she has a soft spot for really genuine people and for girls in similar situations to her, and is actually very tender and understanding once she designates you as a friend and not a mark.

initially from uldah! became a gladiator on the blood sands and was very, very good. she entered relatively anonymously, and although her pseudonym is known to many, her real identity is blissfully unknown. the common theory is that she's actually an auri woman due to the (ornamental, but they dont need to know that) horns and sharp nature of her fullbody armor! she has a winning streak that hasn't ended in a good few years! however, her appearances on the sands have been waning as of late, and the reason for that is.... she's fucking tired and she picked up dancing as an alternative.

neither profession is exactly easy, but being lavished in praise and expensive gifts for shaking her ass is something she far prefers to risking her life and working her ass off for somewhat less renown, and she only returns to the sands when the money dries up.

she now makes the vast majority of the FC's money because she actually is an amazing dancer, and when you combine that, her Inherent Miqote Appeal (the toxoplasmosis), and her people sense, she rakes in tons of expensive gifts (that she then sells for a killing afterwards). she's not actually that motivated by the stuff, but she wants to have power over her life and to take care of those she holds dear.