


3 years, 11 months ago


nysia wears a crown of vine leaves, as well as the skin of a jaguar. she also carries a thrysus on occasion, which is a staff wreathed in vines and topped with a pine cone. 

you can draw her in modern clothes, but they should be the kind of clothes you would wear to a club or a rave

"...the god-intoxicated celebrants draw milk and honey from the streams. they strike rocks with the thyrsus, and water gushes forth. they lower the thyrsus to the earth, and a spring of wine bubbles up. if they want milk, they scratch up the ground with their fingers and draw up the milky fluid. Honey trickles down from the thyrsus made of the wood of the ivy they gird themselves with snakes and give suck to fawns and wolf cubs as if they were infants at the breast. fire does not burn them. no weapon of iron can wound them, and the snakes harmlessly lick up the sweat from their heated cheeks. fierce bulls fall to the ground, victims to numberless, tearing female hands, and sturdy trees are torn up by the roots with their combined efforts." - a quote i stole from wikipedia

likes to rip things apart with her bare hands. tends to be lost in the throes of frenzied, euphoric madness. if i had any character i would describe as feral, it would be her. 

nysia got ripped to shreds once, but she got better! it did, however, leave many marks.