


3 years, 11 months ago



280 years ✦ Female ✦ She/Her



Height: 5'4 - 162 cm (a bit taller with heels)

Orientation: Pansexual

Relationship status: Single

Occupation: Bath & body product maker (as a hobby)

Current residence: Heart A

Zodiac: Dragonfly - Balanced

Extra facts:

  • More of a cat than dog person.
  • Has a collection of scented bath products as she loves to smell nice
  • Has a big closet for her clothes fully organized
  • She really loves scent candles and insence
  • She has an interest into horoscopes and tarot cards although she won't usually share much about it to people she doesn't know fully.
  • She loves to go out at night
  • She has a weak spot for fancy lingerie


Darcia is somewhat curvy but still to the slender side and pretty feminine. She may look a bit taller because of her heels.


Caring, Fun-loving, Smart, Feminine, Social

  • The taste of blood
  • Finds bats super cute
  • Shopping & Fashion
  • Dancing & Yoga
  • Scented body lotions
  • Waking up early
  • Bamharrs who think too high of themselves.
  • Boredom
  • Having to hurry
  • Demanding people


Darcia was always very into fashion and anything beautifully scented, she would make her own little scented candles and bath products from a young age with some help from her mom and it quickly turned into one of her hobbies. Her childhood had some ups and downs but mostly it's been pretty peacefull for her, doing her own thing. She very much enjoys nice clothing and fashion in general aswell as going out at night mostly with friends. When friends or family can't hang out with her she usually doesn't let that prevent her from going out as she loves to meet new people and often is a person that would walk up to a person and start a conversation with.


Darcia is a smart and caring person always willing to help others and protect those she loves, because of that some people tend to see her as a mother-like figure although darcia thinks differently of that. She loves to go out to meet new people but even she won't be able to handle too much if there's just so many people that she can barely move to a spot for example. She often tries to look as best as she can as she loves to look nice and hates it when others think they are more highly than others.

profile html byHukiolukio