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Piers Elijah Appleton.

Piers thinks he's best at everything and anything, but in reality he's so bad at doing things.
He's 28 years old, 178cm height, green eyed idiot that tries to be good gunslinger and outlaw.

Piers is very clumsy and trips to literally everything. He has a scar on his face just because he fell for being clumsy. 
He's always like; ''I'm on it, I'm on it, I can take care of this'' but he usually fails.

Even though he's clumsy, he can shoot pretty good from far. His favorite weapons of use are navy revolvers and carcano rifle.

35565089_n3Ne38zHpxEKOot.jpgPiers spends most of the time with Chris. They are partners.
Piers cares about Chris very much.
Chris actually can do things, while Piers is being an idiot next to him.


Piers doesn't smoke cigarette, but he enjoys the smell of it. (He especially likes if Chris smokes.)

Piers always tries to wear his important hats, but sometimes he forgets that they exist.

He loves to play guitar! Piers also loves flowers, he won't admit it to anyone though.

He has cousin Adelia.

Credits to RockstarGames !! The character is made in red dead redemption online.