


4 years, 2 days ago



Name Tyler
Nickname Ty, Tee
Age 26
Birthday February 28
Gender Cis female (she/her)
Orientation Bisexual
Species Sea Otter
Star SignPisces
Alignment Neutral Good
Band Name Flytrap, formerly Last Dance
Occupation Singer / Bassist
Voice ClaimHalsey

"You wanna hit the beach today?"


  • Beach days
  • Reading & responding to fan mail
  • Kayaking, camping, and surfing
  • Visiting small towns
  • Long drives with the top down
  • Improv jam sessions
  • Sunsets on the water & stargazing


  • Band infighting
  • Back-to-back shows
  • Pollution & people who litter
  • Red wine and hard liquor
  • Stalkers and invasive fans
  • Rough water
  • Jet lag



Outfit / Style Inspo

Tyler is a sea otter with slightly off-white fur on her head, upper chest, belly, and the tips of her paws and tail. Her ears and the ends of her forelimbs and tail are dark brown, and she also has a dark brown heart-shaped marking on the center of her chest. The rest of her body is a soft medium-light brown. There is a blush-like marking of pale brown fur across the bridge of her snout and on her cheeks.

She has long, side-parted, curly hair the same color as the fur on her head. Her nose is medium brown with a pink streak in the center. She has baby blue eyes.

Tyler is 5'6". She has a slender, fit body type.

Her style tends towards comfortable, flowy, beachy fashion. At times she leans more towards a "feminine tomboy" look.


Easygoing Genuine Passive Pushover

Tyler is friendly, easygoing, and optimistic with a warm personality and a tendency to make connections easily. She tries to treat everyone with kindness and lets problems slide off her back the best she can, taking a very "zen" perspective on life. 

She's the sort of person who will remember your name and details about you even if you've only met her once, or who will come back to ask you what you were going to say if you were interrupted in a conversation. 

When it comes to the band she doesn't often have immensely strong, unyielding opinions on things, tending to allow Jade and Whitney to guide decisions and playing mediator to their occasional feuds instead. She trusts that whatever happens, it'll be for the good of the band and for their careers.

On the other hand, she's a big advocate for social and environmental issues, and tries to use her position in the spotlight to draw attention to the things she cares about.

Tyler is a good listener and has always been mature for her age, causing many of her friends to seek her out for advice. She's always happy to lend an ear to anyone who needs it, though she also enjoys her alone time to decompress.

Tyler appreciates her fans, especially the young ones, and she tries to always take time to greet them if they come up to her on the street. She especially likes responding to fan mail.

To the public, she's seen as the cute, sisterly, easygoing one in the band. She's especially popular with young teen girls, who idolize her.



Charisma 75%

Kindness 90%

Temper 80%

Integrity 70%

Courage 40%

Humor 50%


Attack 30%

Defense 40%

Dexterity 65%

Accuracy 70%

Speed 80%

Stamina 20%


Appeal 85%

Confidence 65%

Intellect 70%

Manners 40%

Optimism 85%

Luck 55%



TW: Emotional abuse, stalking

------ Childhood / Teen Years

Tyler grew up in a Los Angeles suburb. She was the second of three children and had an excellent relationship with her parents and family growing up.

She was a middling student in school. Her parents didn't care much about her grades, preferring her to take classes in the "school of life" instead. They took Tyler and her siblings on lots of trips as a child, especially camping and hiking excursions to National Parks. 

When her older brother Mason joined a band in high school, she began to take an interest in his music. He started teaching her how to play bass. A few years later, Tyler was recruited into her best friend Jade Bradshaw's band along with fellow classmate Whitney Stewart. They called the group Last Dance. Tyler's parents were extremely supportive of their daughter's musical endeavors and were happy to provide the girls a place to practice. Last Dance started out playing in the Morgan family garage and slowly began to play local gigs. Their local popularity grew and their shows drew larger and larger crowds of friends and fans.

Senior year, the girls traveled to Los Angeles to take part in a Battle of the Bands competition. After a long, stressful competition, they walked away with the second place prize -- but beyond that, a talent scout in the audience saw potential in them and approached them after the competition to sign a deal. After consulting with her parents and getting their blessing, Tyler signed along with the others. She dropped out of high school with one semester left and moved to the city, though decided to stay in a long distance relationship with her longterm boyfriend Ross, who remained back home.

------ Early Adulthood

Living in Los Angeles, the girls produced their first album working with the label Dance Grave Records.  Around this time they also hired their manager, Bes, who began working with them on the more technical side of running a band. Their first album was titled "Ghosts of Us." The group also reworked their name and image, debuting under the new name Flytrap. The album took about a year to produce, and Tyler was 20 at the time of its release.

The album was released to middle-to-good critical reviews, and their first single "Round Robin" got lucky and skyrocketed onto the charts, making the band an overnight sensation. Plans to go on tour were soon in the works and requests for the girls to put in appearances and promote products came pouring in.

Later that year, Flytrap went on tour as opener for another, more established popular band to publicize their album and to gain more fans and exposure.

With all the fame and excitement, however, came mountains of stress and tension. Whitney and Jade fought frequently, and Tyler was often the mediator for their arguments. As Jade began to spiral into substance abuse she put much of her energy into ensuring that her best friend was okay physically and mentally, at the expense of her own mental health.

Tyler was also struggling to make her long-distance relationship with Ross work. As time passed, Ross became more and more aggressive and paranoid that Tyler was cheating on him. His calls became incessant and though she always picked up no matter what time of night, it never seemed like enough. 

He became emotionally abusive towards her, calling her names and accusing her of all sorts of terrible things. Though she knew the relationship was over, she was already struggling with the stress of touring and emotionally supporting Whitney and Jade through their struggles, so she remained with him. On the surface she tried hard to show that nothing was wrong, but on the inside she was suffering.

When Jade's spiraling finally became too much to continue to be sustainable, Tyler was at her breaking point. She helped to stage an intervention, partially falling out with Jade in the process. Shortly after this the group ended their tour and returned to LA, where they decided to take a brief hiatus to deal with personal matters. It was at this time that Tyler returned home to formally break up with Ross.

The breakup was messy and did not go well. Tyler went back to LA but Ross was furious, sending incessant threatening texts, voicemails, emails -- sometimes hundreds a day. This went on for several weeks until one night he showed up at her apartment and broke her window, threatening to kill her. At that point, Tyler was forced to involve the police and get a restraining order against him. In the meantime her parents moved in with her temporarily in LA to provide protection and moral support. Around this time she also enrolled in online classes to complete her GED.

 ------ Early to Mid 20's

Eventually, Jade reached back out to Tyler to get the band back together. The two reconciled and mended their friendship; Tyler was happy to learn that Jade had reached out for help and was in a stable and happy relationship. Jade was shocked to hear about the difficulties that Tyler had been through with her relationship and was regretful that she hadn't offered more support at the time. The two vowed to continue to support one another.

Flytrap ended their hiatus shortly after, and Tyler's parents moved back home.

The band began recording and a year and a half later, Transmutation was released to major critical success and several more chart-topping hits.

Flytrap went on tour again at that point, this time headlining. A few months into the tour, Tyler decided to continue classes, enrolling in an online college to get her Bachelor's degree. She's currently majoring in Psychology.


  • Tyler is a pescatarian and tries to eat as locally and sustainably as possible for the good of the environment.
  • She has a great relationship with her family, especially her parents and siblings.
  • Her love of snails is well-known among fans and she often receives gifts of snail-themed items (see Quirks).
  • For alcohol she only drinks low abv beer and cider (and the occasional celebratory champagne). She won't touch hard liquor.
  • She tries to personally respond to as many fan letters as she can.


  • Fiddles with her hair a lot
  • Meditates nightly for mental health
  • Asks to pet every dog she sees
  • Loves snails and collects snail items
  • Plays bass left-handed


  • Mosquito bites
  • Early wake-up calls
  • Technical issues during performances
  • Overly sweet foods


  • Shell Pink Fender Jazz Bass (custom left-handed version)
  • Engraved guitar pick (gift from parents)
  • Snail keychain (fan gift)
  • Trail mix & dried fruit for snacking
  • De-tangler brush for her hair


dani california | Red Hot Chili Peppers
boys of summer | The Ataris
landslide | Fleetwood Mac
you should be sad | Halsey
american girl | Tom Petty


Best Friend / BAndmate


Tyler and Jade have been friends for years and consider one another "best" friends. Jade has always been a supportive presence in Tyler's life, encouraging her to have the gumption to out and do the things she wants to do when she's wishy-washy about it. In exchange Tyler has often provided emotional support to Jade and tries to be a calming presence in her life. Though they had a brief falling out over Jade's destructive behavior, they have since reconciled and their friendship goes on strong.

Friend / Bandmate / Crush


Tyler met Whitney through Jade and the two hit it off quickly. She thinks the Dalmatian is funny and she respects her take-no-shit attitude. The two enjoy going shopping together, taking spa days, and going to the beach.

In the wake of Tyler's abusive relationship with Ross, she's realized she has a crush on Whitney, but refuses to say anything about it out of fear of ruining the band dynamic -- and because she's not sure she can handle Whitney's abrasive personality in a relationship setting.

??? / ???


Character relationship goes here.

Band Manager


Tyler gets along well with Bes, trusting her to handle the band's business side and unwilling to challenge her as much as Jade and Whitney do. The two hang out with one another reasonably often outside of work to grab coffee or a bite to eat.

HTML bylowkeywicked and edits byInfenza