Iaoel Iysabeau



4 years, 2 days ago


Iaoel Iysabeau
Quoa; Independent
December 13
Estranged son of powerful drug lords
Chaotic Neutral

Born in the coastal town of Nario to Narcissus and Daffodil Iysabeau, Iaoel, was worshiped by the small city. His parents were rich off the morphine industry and revered as gods among their community. His mother and father brought medicine and technology to the area, effectively saving the city from illness and famine. There was a mansion built in their honor and is where Iaoel was raised.

He began to learn self-defense and fighting skills, hoping that one day he could be the city's protector. As he got older he grew more frustrated with his sheltered life. He attempted to rebel from his parent's righteous and conservative views by becoming a very promiscuous being. Because of his good looks, he was easily frustrated when rejected and believed anyone should be thankful if he decided to sleep with them. Depspite that, he never forced himself on anyone.

At the age of 27 he fell in love with a wandering traveler, Faust, and began to create plans to leave with her and break free from the oppressive control of his parents. At 28 she randomly disappeared, leaving Iaoel desperate for the truth. He discovered that she was in fact murdered by a hit orchestrated by his parents. Betrayed, he fled which led to him meeting Quoa outside a tavern. The two are intrigued by each other instantly and encounter a young boy in an intense dice game. The boy wins after Quoa magically interferes leading to the other boys getting angry and accusing the winning one of cheating. As it begins to become violent, Quoa steps in, allowing the boy to flee. After further escalation, Iaoel grabs Quoa and summons his wings, flying them to a bell tower. There, the two had night time tryst on top of a bell tower. After they fly towards the boat that they had tickets for (which was why they were both in the same city). As they approach they see a crowd gathered around a body which is revealed to be the boy from before. He is barely clinging to life and has the word "cheat" carved into his skin. Iaoel tries to heal him while Quoa tries to use mind reading magic to understand Something about this experience creates a closeness between them as if they have now been bonded together.

After their tryst, the pair began to grow closer. Their purely lust fueled relationship began to shift into love. Quoa began to open Iaoel's mind to the truth of the world. This included a cult that Quoa was part of which Iaoel eventually joins, giving them a mark on their hand which bonds the two through the ritual. Iaoel becomes deeply involved in Quoa's view on the world and the oppression that so many people face. He begins to hate, more than before, his parents who profit and monopolize on the struggles of others.

After Quoa's plan to overthrow the bourgeois of the boat succeeds the two have an argument over the use of violence when working towards their goals.

They separate, and Iaoel heads back home to confront his parents. Before going he fends off an assassin sent to either kill or capture him. The assassin reveals that Iaoel isn't the first child of Narcissus and Daffodil nor the first to be ordered to be killed. Iaoel panics, killing the assassin and sneaking into his house. He unlocks the vault in his house where he finds his father's journal which reveals the truth behind the family. Narcissus and Daffodil are minor gods, fueled by a desire to take over, who were sacrificing many, their own children included, to use the magic within them to rise to power.

He is caught which leads to his parents chaining him up and tortured. The torture brings out the strong magic within Iaoel yet he can't use it because of the large shackles which suppress the magic. This causes it to swell inside of him, the overflow of unreleased magic beginning to kill Iaoel.

Quoa feels Iaoel's pain through their shared mark, leading to Quoa seeking him out. The mark pulls Quoa to him, acting like a magical compass: a magnet pulling him in. Quoa finds and frees Iaoel and the two confront Iaoel's parents. The pair succeeds in defeating his parents and the two reconnect, regretting the time they spent apart.

Since then, they remained together sharing the goal of destroying injustice in the world.



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Flying, freedom from parents, being fawned over by others, people listening to him, Quoa 
The idea of parenthood, responsibilities, not being taken seriously
Iaoel has been plagued by nightmares since he was a child. Because of them he takes sleeping potions and talks in his sleep. 

Iaoel is adept at archery and fencing due to being taught as a child.

Iaoel is very book smart but lacks street smarts.

Iaoel has only truely loved two people: Faust and Quoa.

Iaoel's ability in sorcery was completly unknown until captured by his parents.



[ lover ]

A former priest turned to a Cultist. While his relationship with Iaoel began as a mutual manipulation, they now trust and truly love each other.


Daffodil Iysabeau
[ mother ]

A beautiful woman who is adored by many. People are drawn to her, unaware of her true identity. Unlike Narcissus, she was born mortal. She was given immortality after Narcissus met her when the old gods were at their peak power.


Narcissus Iysabeau
[ father ]

An old god whose loss of power lead to his plan to rise back to it. His "pharmacutical" company made him and the Iysabeau family rich and dangerous.

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