Honey Drip's Comments

Bruh I'm sobbing this character is so cute, may I offer a full body drawing for this character(if the person below is no longer dealing)? I can draw pretty much anything except realism and you can expect the art done within two weeks. Here are examples of my work.

Hi!! Your art style is so cute!!! I even showed it to one of my friends and we both adore it!!!
I’m really looking for some art of a my main couple together. Would you be willing to do a lined half body of the both of them together? If not I can figure out another character. For reference I want these two drawn (Neried would be without her helmet on)


Aw thank you so much mate that means a lot QwQ

I can do that! I noticed they have different outfits, is there a preference to which one they wear? Also, what are their personalities?(so I can figure out posing)

You can use the fighting outfit and the scuba gear (minus the helmet).
Neried is stubborn and not much of a talker (she doesn’t really understand human languages.) she can be extremely aggressive when provoked and is overall kind of a loner. Her partner, who I still haven’t named😔, is a much more excitable and energetic person. Shes pretty bubbly and enjoys pda a lot. 

Awesome, thank you! Will start working on it now ^^  

Sorry I JUST realized something is there a height difference between them?

Yes, Neried is about 7’3 and her girlfriend is 5’6. there’s a link to a height chart here

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