


4 years, 7 days ago


From same batch as,, and


Aristaeus likes to work and is thorough in his job, but when he has finished he prefers to take some quiet time relaxing and doing nothing rather than playing. He is content with solitude when it comes upon him, but enjoys being in the company of others even if no meaningful interaction occurs (like just laying next to each other or the like). 

In his day to day life Aristaeus tends to a flock of sheep he is raising (a wolf caring for the sheep? Yeah, it's a new one lol). He has no enclosure to keep them in; he just leads them from meadow to meadow. Aristaeus doesn't have any particular destination in mind, he just walks and makes use of whatever place he lands himself in. Aristaeus is generally a very peaceful wolf, but if you threaten his livelihood (attack the sheep mostly) then he will defend it. That being said, Aristaeus is not very skilled in fighting, and if you press too hard he will forfeit because he knows not to seriously endanger his own life.

Aristaeus is mellow in many things, but if you were to challenge him to a competition he becomes lively and good-spirited. These are the times when he has no trouble ditching the relaxation to play. Aristaeus has great stamina meaning he can go round after round in these games before he ever will admit defeat. 

Favourite food is tomatoes.

Birthday on March 29, 2020