


4 years, 15 days ago


"We have an adventure ahead of us!"

Introduce the character in slightly more detail here. Or do what you want!

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Mutaias is nothing short of quirky and eccentric. In fact, his demeanor could be quite polarizing, charming for some, insufferable for others. This is because Mutt is unabashedly himself, stubbornly so, refusing to turn himself down to fit into smaller spaces like others might. His wild fur matches perfectly his whimsical, electric energy, an energy that is unmistakably his own. 

Mutt is a very loyal and honest wolf and goes to great lengths to support his closest friends and Riverfell itself. He’s also a wolf who keeps his word, and if he makes some kind of promise to you, expect it to be kept no matter what. Not only that, but he is strong-willed and stubborn, and has been since he was a pup, if that was not obvious from his persistence in the face of his father’s disappointment. Mutt has a bad habit of being far too trusting of someone who outwardly appears to have good intentions. He is a terrible judge of character and not good at reading the red flags that are presented to him. He tries very hard to see the good in others no matter what, despite understanding the evil that exists in the world. This springs from a defense mechanism from his father, who he doesn’t want to believe is a bad guy, just makes bad choices. 

Mutt has a fantastic work ethic and will find himself lost in his studies often, to the point of hyperfocus. Though his mind works very fast and he can often find himself disorganised in his daily life, when it comes to his task, he is somehow the opposite and strives for absolute excellence. 

The cotton-furred wolf also has a sensitive side. He is incredibly empathetic and in-tune with the emotional changes of others. Despite how easily dissent seems to brush off of him, it does affect him quite a bit, and is quite self-conscious when left alone to his thoughts. He is also quite the romantic, and finds himself daydreaming of love more often than he’d admit to anyone. To his core, Mutt is sensitive, emotional, and hopelessly lost in the idea of love. Those who enter his inner circle are protected with his life, and it’s hard to sour his feelings about them. He can often be found sitting at the Lake of Stars and staring at the sky at night, contemplating and daydreaming

Mutaias is a valuable, outspoken ally, but on the off chance you find yourself on his bad side, you are unlikely to find yourself forgiven. He is hard to anger, but holds a grudge, and will not hesitate to shut someone out completely if they’ve wronged him, his morals, or his allies.  He’s not afraid of problems thrown his way, and is stubborn and steadfast until the end.


Mutaias, Son of Jedrek

Mutaias didn’t know much of his mother. He remembered her warmth, and her voice. He remembered being confused and sad when one day, she left with his small sisters and never came back. Mostly, though, he remembered what his father and his friends said about her. Well, truthfully, Jedrek didn’t say much about her at all, but what he DID say was often not nice. 

So it was just Mutt, and his father. Jed did seem to try, at least at first, to have a relationship with his son, but it wasn’t long before Mutaias began to grow and Jedrek began to push him toward the path of a fighter. The big blue eyed boy knew very quickly that this was not the path for him, but he tried his best for a while, wanting to earn his father’s respect and perhaps, love; assuming that if he listened and succeeded, he could achieve this. Jedrek was a rider though, and Mutaias found a different passion very early on while being looked after by Heather, the Sage.

So, instead, Mutaias became interested in herbs, healing, and mythology. When he wasn’t engaging in his father’s “training,” he was sneaking off to observe the Sages and learn from them from afar. The discovery of this only further angered Jed, and his training veered further into borderline abuse.

Mutaias, Resident Disappointment

As he entered his teenage years, he became tired of his father’s emotional and physical abuse and began fighting back. He wasn’t large enough to be a real threat to Jed, but as time passed he thought he could make his point. However, it appeared his own stubbornness came from his own father. 

Countless verbal assaults, failed fights, and screaming matches later, Mutaias had decided he’d had enough. One final sweltering argument, Mutaias declared he’d be disowning Jedrek as his father and “emancipating” himself from his care, leading a life in Riverfell untainted by his father’s prejudice. 

“Fine, you ungrateful little shit. You were a disappointment to my namesake, and our Alpha’s from the very start!”

The last words he’d heard spoken to him from Jedrek, followed by a swift smack across his face, leaving him with an ugly scar across his nose, before making it his point to avoid his father altogether, leading his own life in the pack. 

Mutaias, Apprentice of the Sage

Despite his troubles with his father, Mutt was far too enamored with his pack and loyal to his brethren to leave them behind. He decided to pursue his lifelong dream of becoming a Sage, taking up an apprenticeship with one of the most revered of the task. His skills were almost innate, and he was a natural. He learned about the many herbs of their lush territory and began running collection errands for his Master while hunting small game to keep himself sharp and strong.

He grew to be a strong, handsome young male, and though his name would always be connected with Jedrek, he learned to get past this and make his own new connections with his pack. He’d always be somewhat distrusting of larger males and father figures, but that was fading with time

Mutaias, Cousin of the Lady

Murder, betrayal, and discourse shook the very ground Riverfell stood on. Things were looking grim. Mutt was left wondering if he should prepare to leave, or stand strong and fight for his pack until the end. 

There weren’t many in his bloodline he was proud or happy to be around, until the day that Shiloh returned. He was elated that she had returned to her homeland, and further overjoyed that she would be usurping the current rule and leading Riverfell into a new era. Though he could sense that Shiloh had an inherent mistrust in male wolves, he supported her with his whole heart, and hoped that she’d come to trust him as one of the only family members left that would stand by her side until the end. 

Little did he know, that this would further stoke his father’s fury due to his distaste with the changes Shiloh had ushered in…




Mutaias, Traveling Medicine Man

Once he returned to his new companions, pelt full of supplies hanging from his maw, he applied some sealing mud he had prepared to the injured traveler and took place by her side, allowing her to lean into him as his new group began to travel southward. The honey-eyed she-wolf who’d pleaded for his help took a place on the opposite side, the two of them exchanging small talk as the day progressed. 

They didn’t make it exceptionally far before the haggard party had to rest again. As the only two remaining able-bodied wolves in the party, he and the she-wolf, who had introduced herself as Ichora, did some scouting for a safe little hollow to sleep in for the evening. Mutt prepared a small nest for the injured healer, and then the party settled in. It went on like that for weeks as they slowly, laboriously made their way to their destination. They’d all been impressed by his, quite literal, nonstop energy and his extensive knowledge of herbal remedies. 

He and Ichora, especially, grew closer and closer. 

Mutaias, Seeker of Adventure

The Brushfire pack was unlike anything he’d ever seen. As they drew closer and closer to it, the air became dry and the earth tinged a reddish hue. Striped canyons rose in the distance and soon towered over them. The vegetation here was so spiky! It was all so exciting that he could barely keep himself from bouncing as they approached the main den area. The main densite was a huge oasis nestled between two tall canyons, the main den all the way back in the cross-section of the canyons, and individual dens nestled into crevices in the walls. It was beautiful. He hadn’t planned on staying more than a few weeks to rest up and then make his way back home, but he’d been so enraptured by this new experience and the pack that so kindly hosted him for his help, that he ended up staying for quite a while. And, if he was honest with himself, he stayed for Ichora. 

Over the weeks of traveling and then his weeks of rest and recuperation, the two had become close. He knew that he had to return to his home eventually, or his heart would never be settled, but he thought that MAYBE, with time, he could convince her to come with him. So, over the months that he resided within Brushfire, he shadowed their healers to learn about their techniques and herbal remedies, he helped with mundane overflow tasks and shared his own knowledge, spent countless hours exploring (and often getting cacti stuck in his cotton fur…), and accompanying Ichora on her own duties. There were clear sparks between them, but neither spoke of them, they just quietly got closer and closer. He finally sprung the idea on her many moons later, when winter had cooled the desert heat and the two “friends'' were cuddling in Ichora’s den. 

Mutaias, The Lost

Of course she didn’t come. She wanted him to stay with her, he wanted her to come with him. It just wasn’t meant to be, right? 

That was, at least, his final push to begin the journey home. Mutaias, with a smile plastered on his face, packed his pelt with cool plants and poultices gifted to him by his new friends, and one early morning he said his goodbyes and began the journey North. Ichora did not appear for his send-off. Heartbroken, but a pep in his step from finally being able to go home and tell stories of his travels, the cotton haired plant boy traversed the desert alone, watching as the lands transformed slowly from reddish clay to brown shrubbery, to green grasses. And, of course, picking up more cool plants along the way and studying them for uses. It was never the wrong time for learning!

The further north he got, though, the stranger things became. There was a sickly smell on the wind, and an unusual amount of…rot. At first, it was just a corpse here and there, but they quickly became more numerous. And the smell…it was wrong. The naive fellow did not know just how wrong it was. 

Somewhere near Riverfell, close enough to catch their faint scent on a strong wind, Mutaias stumbled across an injured wolf. Well, truthfully, he thought they were dead, but he had to check, right? Concerned, he walked up to the wolf, their white coat splattered with gore, and nudged them with his nose. He then let out a terrified yelp and sprang backwards, eyes wide. The wolf’s sick yellow eyes opened and it turned to snap viciously at him, before lurching to its feet, the gash on its neck weeping foul smelling blood and pus. 

Mutaias quickly gripped the pelt in his maw and took off running. It wasn’t long before the thing, whatever it was, had summoned its friends and all three identical beasts were in hot pursuit. And he kept running.


  • Cousin of Lady Shiloh (not by blood)
  • xxx

Full name
Mutaias (muh-tai-ahs)
Male (He/Him)
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Praesent ac convallis mi. Suspendisse ipsum nisl, semper ac pellentesque eu, congue sed metus. Nunc malesuada blandit pharetra. Praesent quis posuere urna. Aenean et eros maximus, pretium felis in, bibendum lorem.


Praesent ac convallis mi. Suspendisse ipsum nisl, semper ac pellentesque eu, congue sed metus. Nunc malesuada blandit pharetra. Praesent quis posuere urna. Aenean et eros maximus, pretium felis in, bibendum lorem.

  • Height: 35.7in / 90.7cm
  • Weight: 121lbs / 54.9kg
  • Pelt: Lavender hued shades of ash brown and black contrasted with cotton white.
  • Eyes: Dark with hints of blue in the light.
  • Build: Built tall and lean. Squared chest and ribcage and lots of sharp angles. High cheekbones and a square jaw with expressive, deep-set eyes. Wild, crazy cotton-plant-like fur and a swept back mane. Pink scar across face, reaching from directly underneath his right eye, across the bridge of his nose, and down to the left corner of his mouth.