
7 years, 5 months ago


Lilea Landola

Apparent Age Mid 30s
Race Twi'lek
Height 5'11"
Class Jedi Consular, renounced
Alignment Lawful Neutral
Padawan Val Halos, deceased

Logical . Reserved . Perspicacious

Lilea Landola was a Jedi Consular of high esteem, who primarily worked in the libraries and occasionally served an ambassadorial role. She politely declined the offer of taking a padawan for the reason that she felt her life full and rewarding enough.

The Nautolan youngling Val Halos pulled her to him like none other had. He was the first and only padawan she would ever take.

A few years into Val's training, the Council specially selected Lilea and her padawan to go on a scouting mission together. It was meant to be an easy operation with no chance of combat. Val Halos did not return to the Temple with her.

Lilea was distraught over the loss of her padawan in a battle that clearly should have been forseen. She sought guidance and closure from the Council, but found none. Instead, she discovered that she and her padawan were a distraction--sacrificial lambs meant to lure attention while the actual mission was carried out.

Lilea felt fury for the first time in her life. She let the emotions pour over her, and in her grief she left the Temple. She took her lightsaber and Val's with her, and she never looked back.

"They made you into a weapon and told you to find peace."

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