


3 years, 11 months ago


Jade: 22, pan/bi, trans enby, INFP

Loves: plushies, witchy aesthetic, collecting things, small handhelds/electronics, music, nature (loves amphibians)

Jade is a sleepy, small, and quiet inkblot fox. They work as a barista in a small coffee shop, and love to create/fix things even if they might not be very good at it. They love to have small collections of various objects that make them happy, and constantly are finding new things to collect. One of Jades most important things to them is spending time with people they love, and to share their special interests with other people. They often struggle if they don’t have people they feel safe with close to them, and will bury themselves in their own head without frequent reassurance. Jade responds very positively to being touched and held, and often thats all they need to feel okay, but only from people they trust.