


3 years, 11 months ago




Once a mere bounty hunter, she defeated all odds that worked against her to take the title of Grand Champion. She's struck down Hutt, Sith, Jedi, and bounty hunter alike for the name of the job. But... Well. Who'd have expected a Force-blind bounty hunter to rise into leadership of a galactic superpower?

Cis Woman
Chaotic Neutral
Eternal Alliance

✦ About

Loud, confident, sarcastic, and surly, she likes to make her presence known when she enters a room. With a temper as hot as her preferred weapon of fire, and those unfamiliar with her often not knowing what might set it off, they tend to bite their tongue in her presence. There's little variance between her primary modes of scowling or grinning, and she can switch between the two on the flip of a coin, which makes her short temper that much harder to predict. Also extremely protective of innocents and unafraid to tear her enemies apart, she's a force to be reconned with.

Fortunately, she does mellow out considerable when she unexpectantly comes into leadership of the Alliance, realizing the responsibility she held and knowing that acting like a punk teenager wouldn't make her many allies. Though she stumbles a lot at first and relies on her advisors for direction, she grows into an excellent leader supported by many. Though she still has a temper, she's working on it.

✦ Appearance

On the shorter side at only five feet (152cm). Built like a miniature tank; not toned, but well-muscled and chubby, and takes pride in it. Her face is marred by old burn scars that accumulated over the years to leave her with a permanantly "sooty" look to it. Her bright eyes are a stark contrast to the burns and her blue skin, and she often uses brighter blue makeup to bring them out more. She has a hooked nose that stands crooked after being broken numerous times.

Hotheaded - Impulsive - Protective - Honorable

  • fire
  • animals
  • sarcasm
  • challenges
  • combat training
  • dishonor
  • Force nonsense
  • slavery
  • wrongful blame
  • Valkorion >:(
  • brute strength
  • heighted senses
  • social intelligence
  • multiple combat types
  • many connections
  • hunting
  • exploring
  • swoop racing
  • sparring
  • meeting new people

"I didn't choose to be a leader, but I'll be damned if I don't at least try to be a good one."

✦ Backstory

Raised by the bounty hunter Kaal Breze rather...unintentionally. He killed her birth parents for a bounty, and only once they were already dead did he realize there was an infant in the adjacent room. Not knowing what to do with her, he just kind of panicked, grabbed her, and ran. He ended up giving her what he thought sounded like a Chiss name, but to another Chiss it would just end up looking like a keysmash. Not knowing their naming conventions, he incorrectly shortened the name to "Terrin." Unbeknownst to her, her birthname was Rolc'elii'ntinae - "Celiin."

Growing up under Kaal's care, she turned out to have a natural affinity for bounty hunting, and grew good at getting her way with contracts as he taught her the art. She took to preferring flamethrowers, though is armed to the teeth with many other types of weaponry ranging from blasters, to knives, to missiles, and being adept with them all.

Terrin joined the Great Hunt young, wanting a new type of challenge and getting in contact with Braden who could help her achieve that desired challenge. Up until that point, she'd drifted between a handful of partners - most of them dying to their own mistakes or lack of skill - so was skeptical of Braden's team at first. However, even as most of it was wiped out by Great Hunt rival Tarro Blood, Terrin quickly grew endeared to Mako and would gladly drag her along for the ride. Against all odds and slowly building her team all the while, Terrin rises to the top and wins the Great Hunt, being named Grand Champion and being offered a place in Mandalorian Clan Lok by Mandalore, himself. It's shortly after this that she takes Torian as a member of her crew - after helping him to kill his own father - and the two grow close as they get to know each other better.

Terrin goes on to take increasingly difficult bounties, quickly making a name for herself in Empire, Republic, and criminal underworld alike. This fame even goes so far as to bring her to be hired to assassinate the Republic Chancellor himself, which she manages to pull off with little more than a few bruises and some singed paint on her newfound Beskar armor. It's not long after this that Torian proposes to her, which she gladly accepts.

Her skills bring her to be hired by Marr himself a few times to help deal with Makeb and the Dread Masters; while her brute force nearly caused the Empire to lose everything on Makeb when they needed a far more careful touch, her support on Oricon was vital to the survival of the Wrath's team as it was often outnumbered by Dread forces. She was yet again contacted - this time by Arkous - for a plan he believed her skills would be an incredible help with. This would bring her into an official partnership with the Wrath, Darth Nox, and Cipher Nine.

As a result, she would become a pinnacle member of the team that would grow to include the Barsen'thor, Hero of Tython, Havoc Squad, and the Voidhound, helping them to strike against the Revanites and by extension, Revan himself. It would be this, and being in the wrong place at the wrong time, that would have Terrin answering Marr's call about sensing the Emperor in Wild Space. She'd be the first to arrive, long before any of the others...

And as a result, spend five long years in carbonite, with the former Emperor in her head. She's angry, at first. And, while she never gets over her irritation at having him in her head, she gradually accepts the leadership role she's put in because of it. The Alliance matures her, and she grows to care deeply for it and the troops to serve under her. Still, she's beyond relieved when she can finally purge Valkorion from her mind for good.

She leads the Alliance into aiding the Republic openly, practically spitting in the face of the Empire that had long employed her. However, she knows the Republic is iffy about her as a leader due to everything she'd done to it in the past and over time Synnda V'ehsz, once the Barsen'thor, kind of unintentionally ends up her second-in-command as she has him act almost as envoy to communicate with the Republic that was far more trusting of him. As time goes on, however, it grows to accept Terrin herself with its communications with the Alliance - and she and Tau get along surprisingly well when they finally meet in person for the first time.

Shortly after the Republic/Alliance dual-victory at the Meridian Complex, she and Torian have their first child, who they decide to name Cadera'tten - Atten. While Terrin had never grown up with her Chiss heritage, they both agreed that it would be a nice way to tie it into her far more familiar Mandalorian life. Not even a year after, they'd have their second child, Cadera'raa - Araa. Their third, Anaehr, wouldn't be born until many years later...

And unfortunately, that age gap would be what ultimately unwinds their family. Anaehr, jealous of his siblings' success, closeness, and inheriting of Alliance leadership when Terrin retires, leaves Odessen in a huff. Terrin and Torian find themselves killed due to his betrayal.


✦ Trivia

  • ● She talks more with one side of her mouth. Snarling, smiling, etc. are also done with one side; she's done it since it was little.
  • ● She has an old headband painted in her armor's colors. It was made for her by Blizz to help keep her hair out of her eyes, so she'll often wear it under her helmet or if her hair is being particularly uncooperative.
  • ● Her strengths lie in brute force, but as she gets older she gets better at using her words first. She's pretty proud of herself for it.
  • ● With Torian's help, she crafted most of her armor. She didn't think she'd have the patience to paint it and was tempted to just leave it unpainted, but found it surprisingly relaxing and rather enjoyed doing it. It's only like two different shades of green, and some color placement is a bit random, but it's the thought that counts.
  • ● She has a secondary armor set that she doesn't wear very often. This one was made by a proper armorsmith, and is in the Alliance's colors of black and gold. She wears the set for formal meetings, often with other faction leaders or if giving a speech that will be broadcast. While still protective and made of Beskar, it's a much nicer set that incorporates a cape and hidden weaponry (instead of her usual "in your face" types easily visible on her person) to give her a more professional look.
  • ● Has undiagnosed ADHD.
  • ● Biggest fears: deep water/drowning (nor can she swim), confined spaces, losing loved ones.

✦ Relationships

Torian Cadera: Her husband and best friend. She trusts him with her life, and would go to the ends of the galaxy for him.

Mako: She's like the sister Terrin never had. With her from the start of the hell that becomes her life through the Great Hunt, Revanites, and later Alliance, the two are incredibly close.

Chakem Vira: Medic on her crew. Like family; she'd risk her life for him.

Chanet Vira: The muscle on her crew. Like family; she'd risk her life for her.

Blizz: Almost like a little brother to her. She adores him, if gets exasperated by his antics at times. Extremely protective of him.

Synnda V'ehsz: Was once cautious of him, but grew to respect him as they worked together after Manaan. He becomes her second-in-command, her voice for when she isn't around, and one of her most trusted advisors - and friends.

Theron Shan: Trusted friend and advisor. Often the voice in her ear when she's on-mission.

Lana Beniko: Trusted friend and advisor. Is (usually) her voice of reason, though they do butt heads fairly often.

Xaerez: Didn't really know him before Manaan, but he becomes one of her best spies during the Alliance era. Though cautious of his trustworthiness, and against what may be her better judgement, they develop a loose friendship. Also unbeknownst to both of them, they're cousins.

Aaz'n Tarnak: Wary of her to start with, since as Wrath she knew Azan could do whatever she deemed necessary. During Alliance, however, Aaz'n quickly becomes the lead of security, and one of the few trusted as Terrin's personal guard.