King Manta



7 years, 5 months ago


King Manta

Gender : Male

Species : Humanoid

Likes : Ocean Creatures, Rays, Swimming, His Queen, New Corals, Looking after the residents, Having quick trips up to peek above the water

Dislikes : Wars, Abandoned children, Surface dwellers

About : Cheeky, Flirty, Romantic, Fathering and Caring



  • King of a underwater palace
  • You can see the Ocean lands in his cloak, he uses this to keep a watchful eye over the lands
  • Partner is his most beloved Queen Jelly
  • While he loves going to have a look above the waters surface he'll never leave the water
  • Often will craft little gifts for his people and mostly for his Queen
  • His Palace is open to everyone in his lands, and his land is filled with those abandoned. Deciding to adopt them as his own children
  • Likes to have a laugh and often doesn't act like the King
  • Their land/Palace is protect by Queen's Jelly magic, making it impossible to find unless you are welcomed
  • He can be serious when it comes to Trading/Talking to other ocean lands and especially when the threat of war dawns