


7 years, 4 months ago


This Oc UnityWesker and me

Name: Chrysocolla
Nickname: Cryssi
Gender: Female
Age: Unknown, though presumed to one or two millions years old
Species: Crystaloids
Sexuality: Pansexual
Universe: FANTASIA
World: Crystellia
Resides in: Glossia Cavern/The Glass Castle
Personality: she has a seemingly kind personality for her subjects/people she just met but she would be cruel to others who truley knew her. Also, she acts like a mother to those she wants to convert but becomes nasty once they refuse her the third time, going as far as kidnapping them and turning them against their will.
She loves: Diamond
She hates: Diamond
Power: Turning everywhere she touches into crystal, shapeshifting, converting others into Crystaloids


Cristine, aka Crissie was a nice girl with pure blue eyes. She was loved by her family [mother, father and brother], a very religious Catholic family. She loved reading books [not prohibiten by her Church], in particular the Holy Bible. She had always have great grades. Her dreams were to become a medic volunteer in Africa and get married to the one she loved. She used to wear the Virgin Ring, as a promise to herself to be only one with theman of her life.
SADLY, When she was 20, her parents died into a car accident: her brother Marco was the only family member she had.
Her life continued as usual, SINCE WHEN SHE WAS 22... During her b-day her brother wanted to give her a gift she could remember for the rest of her life: she was so happy! She loved her brother so much.. HER BROTHER TOO BUT NOT IN THE SAME WAY...
She raped her on the cold table, in the kitchen, while a friend of him was watching the scene.. and partecipating too...
She was violated...! They laughed at her, congratulated her to be a woman now...
She ran into her room.. Crying, Losing faith on her brother.. On GOD.. Why did he leave him raping her?
An Angel appeared in her room, smiling and giving her a blue gem, the gem she always loved: a Chrysocolla!
She smiled, the angel looked at her and nodded: She knew she could be safe from now on..
The angel disappeared, she smiled and fell unconsciousness on the ground.
Her brother entered in her room, probably to give her some new WOMAN DOSES, and found her almost dead.
He brought her to the Hospital, saying He found her naked in her room, when he came back to work.
The Medics cured her for a unwanted pregnancy and few sexual diseases, but she was in coma too.

After 3 weeks in hospital, Crissie opened her eyes: life was different.. She could see the truth: everyone thought about itself. And so she started to do. Without saying anything to her brother, she came back home and she found her rapists: she cut her bro friend's troath and to her brother... well she cut something he couldn't use anymore.
Satisfied of what she did, she used her medical knowledge to destroy the bodies.
She waited 48 hours and called the police, telling them about her brother disappeared..
Few months passed and the case of her bro and his friend was closed: someone was put in jail, but she didn't care.
She was different: colder in touch and in heart, a flirty mischivious bitch, a rebel and... FREE!
That angel made her free of inibitions and she couldn't thank him so much!
Years passed and her skin became always more bluish, some chrysocolla gems started to grow on her body, her boobs became bigger and her hairs longer and with crystals in them.
At the beginning she started to charm anyone she wanted: she could look into their eyes and they could do anything she wanted!
Then she started to get the power to transform things into crystals, just small inanimated and not complicated objects.
In that period she was a real bitch and she got pregnant [we don't know the father and we don't care...] : that's WHY Dia is not totally human YET not totally Chrystaloid [the pregnancy was around 12 months].
The full Chrystalization process was on the way..But we had to wait 3 years to get it: Crissie was a kind mother to her daughter, before her heart started to be fully cold and crystal.

Crissie is DEAD NOW! At around 30 years old, we don't have a human nice girl anymore, BUT a cold Chrystaloid Bitch!
She's THE GODDESS, THE QUEEN, THE CHRYSTALOID... She left the Human world when Dia was 4: she wasn't human anymore and she didn't belong to that world anymore! She found a Fantasia World portal and entered into it.
Tahstu helped her to find a way into Fantasia: they became friends [strange to say for both of them, but sometimes when you find 2 bastard they can kill eachothers OR become friends and this is whata happened LoL] and he gave her THE KEY to travel into different worlds! Chrysocolla [this is her name now, aka Cryssi] made her own world, the Cristella in which she's the supreme Queen/Goddess.
At the beginning she was the one going through portals to find any species humanoids to turn into Chrystaloids [this happens with Obsidian, Tiger Eye, Red Beryl and Charoite], but then she started to send her daughter Dia.
NOTHING can be done without her knowing it! SO.. If you try to enter in her castle... well... She already knew you're in..