


7 years, 5 months ago


World: Scourge II (Post Bleed Viern)
Nationality: Virelond

Full name: Hakugo
Nick names: Kugo, Haku
Gender: Male
Age: 26
Human appearance: N/A (birth defect)
Form appearance: A ferret and also a bird
He has a rare birth defect called Bimorphism: whereas most people on Viern have a Human and an Animal shapeshift form, Kugo has 2 animal forms and no human form.
Accessories: N/A

Affiliation: Antagonist
Class: Sorodon's Second in Command
Personality: Somewhat of an asshat. Often quitely at Sorodon's command, saying nothing. May have a good side, and he often refuses using unnecessary violence, but for the most part he simply craves having power over others.

Family: All deceased
- Allies with Sorodon & his Empire
- Was once allies with Silvone, Loka and Reso
- Enemy of PARA/Malcera and friends

Pre-Bleed Background: Due to a rare birth defect cursing him with 2 animal forms (instead of 1 human and 1 animal form), he was often ostracized and a target for bullying as a child (imagine having a ferret-bird for a classmate), consequently turning him into a hateful, distrustful fool.
Having come to terms with the fact that he will forever be physically weak (due to his small forms), he has turned to rely on speed, agility, and intelligence.
Post-Bleed Background: After the Bleed, he resorted to surviving alone, until he eventually met Sorodon (whom, at this time, only had a small band of travelling misfits). Rather than criticize him for his disability, Sorodon praised him for his intelligence and skills, resulting in Hakugo becoming loyally attached to one of the only creatures that ever made him feel like he was anything but a tiny dipshit.
Though powerhungry and pretty much obedient to Sorodon's every command, he is also subconsciously eager to prove wrong the bullies of his childhood, and often refuses to use unnecessary violence. He simply wants people to obey him, but usually does not wish to hurt them. Nevertheless he is far from being a little cinnomon roll and is quite an asshat.