Davao Hama



3 years, 11 months ago



Name - Davao Hama

Parasite Species - Tiger Shark

Age - 37

Height - 6'5" FT

Gender/Prounouns - Male/he/him

Sexuality - Pansexual

Occupation - Gardener (Security if needed)


+ Reliable + Caring + Gentle

/ Enigmatic / Impassive / Impressionable

- Aloof - Hesitant - Nihilistic


Davao, after experiencing a traumatic life, has grown to be quite gentle and complacent in his life. He's vowed to never take a life, and doesn't even like to use his physical force unless it's to protect another. He's a gentle giant, often choosing not to speak much and just lets his expressions and actions do the talking for him. He is easily pushed around now, but not many try to with how large he is in stature and even just one look at him most choose not to try. He simply wants to live a quiet life, and finds the most joy in getting to bring joy to others, but in reality, he hates himself and is often quite depressed and sorrowful as he reflects on his former life. 

Upon finding him at the monastery, one may find him a large and intimidating prescence but will quickly learn that he's simply a quiet and caring man who simply loves getting to make other smile and desperately wants to hold someone's hand and be told that everything will be okay. One can often find him sitting in the garden, tending to the plants and gazing off sleepily. 




 Making new friends

 Learning new skills (like braiding) 


 Loud noises


 When his plants die

Seeing people sad

Hobbies/Talents - 



Flower arranging

Watching movies with people

Has a pretty nice singing voice


Davao was raised with a rather simple life. His father was from a small island in the Caribbeans, raised in America, and went to Japan when he joined the military. There, he met Davao's mother, fell in love, and got married. Davao was born into a loving home and grew up with a lot of love in his heart. As he got older, he joined the military just like his father. 

Once the parasites were discovered, as many scientists did, they looked for subjects to try it on. Davao, a powerful force already in the army, was asked if he would consider taking the parasite as an experiment to test if it could be used to bolster their power in the front. It worked, despite the agonizing pain, Davao had become a terrifying adversary and was sent on secret missions and jobs that were never spoken of in public affairs. It stained his hands, Davao lost count of how many he had taken out when invading countries at war and those that got in his way. As a shark, he was nearly unstoppable when he got the taste of blood and eventually, Davao didn't recognize himself anymore. 

As things began to deteoriate on research, and Symbionts became targets, Davao awoke to three of his men urging him to flee, only to find the tent raided by his fellow comrades. The order had been given to kill Davao, and knowing that even if he was a powerful foe, he wouldn't ever kill his own men. He escaped into the night, running as long as he could. As more were sent after him to keep quiet that the army had created him, he began to kill anyone that tried to get in his way of escaping. He wanted to live peacefully now, being betrayed by his closest companions and unable to go home, he had nowehere to go. 

Somehow he found himself being taken to the monastery and has been living there, just searching for the quiet in his heart. 


→  Even though he's no longer in the military, he doesn't know how to dress otherwise anymore and has quite a basic fashion sense

→ While he doesn't like to fight, he still works out every day

→ Has a lot of scars he got from trying to escape from his squadron

→ He likes learning new things with people and gets very cheerful when people take the time to show him something

→ Half Japanese/Half Caribbean

→ He loves having models for his painting, otherwise he just paints his garden, it's almost like therapy for him. He'll paint on anything and anyone.

→ Has very sharp shark teeth and is embarrassed about it, which is why he doesn't talk a lot

→ Theme song
