Faain (Filly)'s Comments

Im still interested in the oc im just really confused on what your asking for, you mentioned art, custom, and usd, then said no to art and custom, then said half price then rejected the half price :'0 can you just tell me what you want? I can still do art, or custom, and money i just need to know what it is your asking for

I suck at explaining things sorry about that.

I was thinking about a custom but I am not to sure.

I cannot take art due to i mostly looking. To pay people to do art of my characters. 😭

I want thinking about money and a custom. I don’t know if you wanna do that or? I mean if not I won’t mind taking money for them. ☺️💕💕 since they are 25$ I am looking for a haft the price of them or custom (it don’t have to be fancy) w/ money.

If that make since. 😵

I can do $12.50 and a simple custom if that works?

Since thats half of the $25

Deal! 💕💕☺️ Can the custom be a tiger oc base off those emoji’s?


Yeah! Female or male?

Female :3 and you don’t have to add strips either you don’t want to ☺️💕

4 Replies