


3 years, 11 months ago




Name: Stormheart

Previous name(s): Stormkit, Stormpaw

Pronouns: They/she

Age: 33 moons

Allegiance: LightClan

Rank: Warrior


Parents: Tinytuft†, Dustfire

Sibling(s): Lionwhisker

Mate: Gorgeleap

Kit(s): Lilypuddle, Turtletuft

Extended Family: Freckleshine


When Stormkit was born to Tinytuft and Dustfire, the clans were in a state of turmoil. Two new leaders were coming to power in The Clans of the Earth’s Woods and the Moon’s Boulders, which just so happened to be Dustfire’s brothers. Tinytuft knew immediately that Stormkit had a hard future ahead of her, but one that would restore the Clans to the fair nations they once were. 

Dustfire and Tinytuft’s relationship was cross-clan, and despite Tinytuft’s protests, this meant that Dustfire left her to stay home with the Earth’s Woods. During one of Tinytuft’s attempts to convince Dustfire to come home with her, Dustfire’s brother, Hawkdive came in and killed Tinytuft. This left Stormkit and her brother, Lionkit, without their mother, yet Dustfire sent them back home to the Sun’s Rays to keep all three of them safe.

Stormkit and Lionkit grew up alongside Gorgekit and Flutteringkit, who were the kits of one of Tinytuft’s friends in the nursery, Littlelily. This queen knew of Tinytuft’s relationship and felt she knew exactly what had happened, but she pretended to be clueless to keep all her kits safe. The four kits became apprentices and then warriors together, earning the names Stormheart, Lionwhisker, Gorgeleap, and Flutteringfly respectively.

Just the day after the four’s naming ceremony, Dustfire arrived at the Sun’s Rays’ camp. He was ready to come home to his kits, leaving his home clan. Stormheart and Lionwhisker were shocked, having never remembered him, but happy to welcome home their father. 

During Dustfire’s time with the Sun’s Rays, he got very close with Birchstar and Morningdew, the current leader and deputy of the clan. He went as far as to bring them their prey throughout the day. It was never questioned, Stormheart believed that Dustfire wanted to make up for all the years lost that he spent in with Moon’s Boulders.