


4 years, 8 days ago


You should probably ask Sam instead
Name: Charm Hardt
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Birthday: October 4th
Height: 5'0
Weight: 86 pounds
Race: Popfloss
Job/role: Hospital volunteer
Trade Status: Forever Homed
Electro music Playing the violin Making clay china dishes Stories, myths, true crime, etc. Junk food
Dull colors Not being able to breathe Quiet music Disgustingly sweet smells Drama

Charm is a very sweet but brash individual who deeply prioritizes loyalty over everything. Safe to say, if he finds out you've been talking bad about him behind his back he won't hesitate to cut you off no matter how long he's known you. No matter what, he is the one to go to to learn something or for a judgment of character because of how amazing he is at accurately judging character. Besides that however, he is an extremely open and outgoing individual who loves to socialize. In his job at the hospital, he's often asked for by name by the patients because of how sweet and caring he is with them. He is definitely a favorite in his job, among friends groups, out in public, and all of this is due to the amazingly sweet and comforting vibes he gives off. While he isn't one for confrontation, he has on multiple occasions helped women or feminine presenting Candyfloss escape from creeps. Overall, he tells it like it is, he's very sweet, very protective, and adores people in general. While he can be insecure in himself at times, he can always see the beauty in other people and he considers that a strength.

He actually has asthma! However despite this, he likes to keep himself fit to keep up with his job at the hospital. On more than one occasion, he's had to sneak off in the hospital to use his inhaler. While he likes to keep fit, he has no clue how to use exercise machines. He just prefers to either go swimming or go running. Despite his job at the hospital and his incredible judge of character, he's actually not too bright. Although he has average intelligence, he can be a bit of an airhead. He's actually in training to put piercings and decorative gems or marriage gems on his fellow Candyfloss! He has a weak stomach but he's slowly learning to overcome it by doing this! He's actually quit over 5 jobs before due to how stubborn he is in not being willing to take horrible attitudes.