Stormy Okioto



3 years, 11 months ago

Basic Info


Stormy Okioto

Age (human years)


Age (elemental years)





5 feet 4 inches


Not a lot


The sky, clouds, rainy days, cute things, stuffed animals, cute and/or cool outfits


Obnoxious people, loud noises, people shouting at her, work, being forced to do her elemental responsibilities, lumberjacks


November 30


Stormy is a species known as a sky elemental. While her elemental age is 43, it's really equivalent to a 14.3 year old human, which is what she resembles. (Her human age is a third of her elemental age.) Her age can be as old as 55.8 or 18.6. Everywhere she goes she's followed by small clouds that hover around her. She can't really make them disappear but she can interact with them to an extent.

Stormy is someone who gets loud really easily even if she doesn't mean it.
The sky, clouds and rain are some of her favourite things, mostly because she was raised in that environment. She appreciates things that are considered "cute" because they remind her of the sky.

She is of a status similar to that of a demigod. She is lightning based. She's not human, but she resembles one and has a home in the human world anyway where she lives with Thunder, another sky elemental posing as her older cousin. Their house looks wooden on the outside. Otherwise she owns her own home where elementals live. It's composed of a cloud resembling material.

She may look human, but she possess abilities normal humans wouldn't. In addition to the clouds constantly surrounding her as a hint to her heritage, she is very light, and floats instead of falling. She, like others of her species, can shift back into a "natural form," which is related to what type of elemental she is. Her natural form is a storm cloud, which is how she got her name. She has lightning powers, which aren't well defined due to how infrequently she uses them. All elementals in both forms can communicate telepathically amongst each other.

Thunder is a sort of guardian to her who she considers her older cousin. He was sent to make sure she doesn't cause too much damage. They live on Earth together and get along well enough.

Tends to be on the positive side and tries to be happy.

I can never draw this character properly digitally and I hate it but when I draw her on paper somehow it looks fine

Please download my utau thank you <3