Jack 'The Jackal' Singer



7 years, 4 months ago




【Name】 Jack Singer
【Age】 Varies
【Gender】 Male
【Birthday】 December 23
【Species】 Human

【Nickname(s)】 Jackal
【Orientation】 Heterosexual
【Status】 Taken
【Occupation】 Magician
【Theme】 The Good Life-Three Days Grace

"The pain from a lie is only temporary, while the truth lasts forever."

【Eye Color】 Gold
【Hair Color】 Blonde with two brown streaks
【Skin Tone】 Fair
【Body Build】 Coltish

【Scars】 None
【Natural Markings】 None
【Tattoos】 None
【Piercings】 None




He dresses and acts in a way that he feels society should, even though he will always feel he is above everyone else. He wears dress shirts, vests, and dress pants, and, in most cases, when meeting someone new he will act in a polite manner, althought there is always a hint of mockery hidden in either his actions or words.


I find these two to go hand in hand. While he is confident in everything he does, his self-assurance rarely ever leads to disaster, so he is right to feel certain in his abilities. He says he is the best at what he does, and that may very well be true.


There was one thing he wanted out of life, and he made sure to not let anything stop him from getting to where he wanted. His psychopathy helped him with this, because when one does not care about what others think, there is nothing to hold him back.


While he fails in street smarts, he is quick to learn nearly anything else. Part of his intelligence comes from studying others. His ability to learn and manipulate emotions he is unable to feel himself has taught him how to best study other topics that he finds may be of some importance.

  • His coyote
  • Fire
  • The smell of flowers
  • Fruit
  • The media
  • Socializing
  • Children
  • Guns

Little Jack

Laughter filled the ears of a six year old boy as he walked through a park. The laughter was not his own, but that of other children. He did not have the same urge to go down a slide, swing across monkey bars, or glide through the air on a swing. The joy that was gained in doing these things was not given to him. What was joy anyway? He saw the look on the faces of the other kids: the big smiles, the way their eyes lit up, the laughter. It all seemed beyond him. Sure he could smile and laugh, but it would never reflect in his eyes. He would never know this emotion to its truest extent. He would also never know guilt, remorse, or shame. There were no concerns about fear or embarrassment. What other people thought of him meant nothing. It was as if he had no conscience, and that was ok with him.



Jack was born to a middle class family, and he seemed like any other child except for being more laid back and unwilling to join in with social activities, something his parents shrugged off as shyness. His dad was excited about having a son, and he could picture his boy having a wonderful future. That was until Jack got into magic. His dad thought of it as a waste of time but ignored it for the time being, figuring his son would get bored of it and move onto more practical things. This was not the case.

During this time Jack became friends with another boy, Ricky. The two of them would hang out much of the time, and Ricky would help Jack perfect his illusions. Jack's dad became upset his son wasted his time with a meaningless hobby. To him, magicians were lowlife degenerates without a real job. The anger becoming too much. His dad started to mentally abuse him without even realizing it. The abuse was not terrible, but that did not matter: Jack was becoming dangerous.

Feeling pushed away, Jack started hanging out more with Ricky. It did not take long for before he and Ricky started following a guy named Seth, and a bit later another guy joined the 'gang', Drustan. Even though the gang never made the best decisions Seth always kept them in line.

One day Jack had finally got tired of his old man, so he took out a knife and cut his dad's arm. His dad left him alone after that, and as he told this to the gang they gave him the nickname of Jackal due to the cold, demented, almost bloodthirstiness he told the story with.

It was not but a year later that Jack turned 18. This was a turning point in his life as his dad kicked him out and he decided to go to Vegas and make it big.In Vegas he met the people that would change his world, and for a small price, would give him everything he wanted. All he had to do was sell his soul to the devil-not that he felt he had one. Agreeing to the terms he was taken to a secret area where experiments were done on him. Scientists supposedly mixed him with the DNA of a side-striped jackal, but all that changed in him was his eye and hair color. He had to stay at the facility for awhile and be 'observed', but once that was done with he was given a show in Vegas. It was there he met his girlfriend, Maria, and the two of them now live and perform together.



Ricky [ Friend ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam pharetra elit dui, id faucibus erat mattis vel. Proin tincidunt id magna ut egestas. Quisque at sodales eros, non sagittis nibh. Donec semper magna at nisl fringilla, ac aliquam lorem laoreet. Suspendisse a massa tortor. Phasellus maximus nunc vitae pulvinar suscipit. Etiam ullamcorper, risus ac lobortis semper, ante nibh consectetur metus, maximus iaculis sapien elit eu libero. Nulla sit amet justo dui. Maecenas malesuada turpis ac blandit viverra.


Seth [ Enemy ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam pharetra elit dui, id faucibus erat mattis vel. Proin tincidunt id magna ut egestas. Quisque at sodales eros, non sagittis nibh. Donec semper magna at nisl fringilla, ac aliquam lorem laoreet. Suspendisse a massa tortor. Phasellus maximus nunc vitae pulvinar suscipit. Etiam ullamcorper, risus ac lobortis semper, ante nibh consectetur metus, maximus iaculis sapien elit eu libero. Nulla sit amet justo dui. Maecenas malesuada turpis ac blandit viverra.


Drustan [ Enemy ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam pharetra elit dui, id faucibus erat mattis vel. Proin tincidunt id magna ut egestas. Quisque at sodales eros, non sagittis nibh. Donec semper magna at nisl fringilla, ac aliquam lorem laoreet. Suspendisse a massa tortor. Phasellus maximus nunc vitae pulvinar suscipit. Etiam ullamcorper, risus ac lobortis semper, ante nibh consectetur metus, maximus iaculis sapien elit eu libero. Nulla sit amet justo dui. Maecenas malesuada turpis ac blandit viverra.


Spencer [ Victim ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam pharetra elit dui, id faucibus erat mattis vel. Proin tincidunt id magna ut egestas. Quisque at sodales eros, non sagittis nibh. Donec semper magna at nisl fringilla, ac aliquam lorem laoreet. Suspendisse a massa tortor. Phasellus maximus nunc vitae pulvinar suscipit. Etiam ullamcorper, risus ac lobortis semper, ante nibh consectetur metus, maximus iaculis sapien elit eu libero. Nulla sit amet justo dui. Maecenas malesuada turpis ac blandit viverra.


Sean [ Victim ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam pharetra elit dui, id faucibus erat mattis vel. Proin tincidunt id magna ut egestas. Quisque at sodales eros, non sagittis nibh. Donec semper magna at nisl fringilla, ac aliquam lorem laoreet. Suspendisse a massa tortor. Phasellus maximus nunc vitae pulvinar suscipit. Etiam ullamcorper, risus ac lobortis semper, ante nibh consectetur metus, maximus iaculis sapien elit eu libero. Nulla sit amet justo dui. Maecenas malesuada turpis ac blandit viverra.


  • Hopes there is nothing after death. If life is going to end, then it better well be over and done with.
  • He lives and performs at the MGM Grand in Vegas (the Terrace Room).
  • The fingers on his right hand twitch when he is excited, and his nose twitches when he is annoyed.
  • His favorite drink is a lavender-coconut lemonade. It not only tastes good, but it also helps keep him calm and relaxed.
  • The fingernail of the ring finger on his left hand is always kept longer than the others.
  • Under his ears, a spot on his right thigh, and his nipples are sensitive.
  • To get him drunk is to put him in a state of bloodlust.
  • His nickname comes from him talking deadly thoughts about his father while drunk. He remembers nothing but a red haze and a new nickname when coming out of the haze.
  • He has two 'weapons' he keeps on him that he also uses for shows: a thick card that has 3 sharp edges and a glove where the palm can be flicked with his sharp nail and have light on fire.
  • As nice as money is, and even though he has more of it than he knows what to do with, he could care less about money so long as he is able to perform.

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