Felix Tahaki



3 years, 10 months ago


This is my My Hero Academia Oc: Felix

He is 24 years old

He is 1.83 Meters/ 6 feet tall 

His Hero Name is: Lizard

He is a calm person that doesnt get annoyed easily and always thinks about a strategy to use in battle.  Although he has a strategy most of the time he does not like to take any actual leading roles in mssions or on patrols. He is not that creative but he is trying to improve that. His Hero Name is the same like the name of his Quirk.

His Quirk:  Lizard: He has a lizard like tail that he can use to attack others, the tail also gives him a boost while jumping into the air, getting a small boost in power as well. He has picked his Hero Outfit to support his agility and to support his style. He mostly fights with his legs. The shoes of his Hero Outfit are strenghtened with Iron soles to deal more damage in his fighting style. The wings and horns are also connected to the quirk

Drawbacks: The lower side of his tail can easily be damaged, he hates to fight against Villains that use long-ranged attacks because he usually fights close-ranged, 

I do not own My Hero Academia so the credit goes to the Creator : Kōhei Horikoshi