Rem Zolasch (Timeline & Misc Facts)



Early life:

Rem grew up in a mining town in Ilsabard and had a relatively happy childhood. His family ran the mining operation of which the chief foreman was his mother, Zola. Rem had two fathers as his three parents were in a polyamorous relationship—Razvigor, (his biological father,) and Laszlo. Rem was also the third of four children: Mikhael, his eldest and full brother, Milos, his half-brother, and Dani (Danika), his younger half-sister.

Rem and his siblings were raised without much regard to who was who's blood, but that didn't mean he didn't have favorites. His relationship with Razvigor was always a little strained as the man rarely showed open affection to his children, and seemed to only praise, (in Rem's eyes,) his eldest two sons. Meanwhile, Laszlo was gregarious and nurturing. Among the children Mikhael strove the hardest to be the "responsible eldest son" while Milos' nature urged him to compete with Mikhael to seek their fathers' approval. Rem cared very little for competition in his youth, hanging back to help their mother around the house. Though he purposefully avoided the contests between his brothers, Rem still gladly soaked up any attention he received, especially loving to hear tales of Laszlo's life and travels in Bozja. He spent the rest of his time tending the livestock, wandering aimlessly in the nearby foothills, and looking after his little sister. As a result of his interests keeping him near their home, Rem grew up very close to his mother. He was sometimes teased for being a momma's boy and always clinging to her, but that didn't stop him from learning as much as he could from her about the natural flora and fauna of his homeland.

When the Empire came, the residents of Rem's village were largely sparred the army's draft as they were needed as laborers. The family's mines were a valuable asset for the Empire, producing large quantities of ore for their warmachina. Originally, Rem's elder brothers had been expected to work the mines and eventually take over the operation, but any number of age and good health beyond the minimum needed to operate the mines were conscripted. Rem's parents were spared the draft, through their experience as laborers in the mines, but Mikhael and other young men were forcefully recruited, leading Mikhael to eventually perish in service to the  Empire in Doma. Zola was able to hide and lie about Milos' and Rem's age for a time, but both of his parents were ultimately charged with aiding and abetting the anti-imperial resistance movement and were put to death along with Milos. It was a small fortune that shortly before the execution, Zola had secured a way to smuggle Rem and Danika out of harms way. However, Rem was separated from his younger sister and new guardians in the confusion of the escape. Rem wandered Ilsabard for several months dodging Imperial patrols and living life as a transient. Eventually he stowed away on a trading ship bound for Limsa Lominsa. At age 19, Rem came to an Eorzea still shaken by the Calamity. 

He lived in Limsa for the next 5 years taking any job available to him. He worked anywhere that would have him, from the shipyards as a laborer, to the La Noscean farmlands, to the Bismark as a dishwasher. Learning to speak and read Eorzean was a little easier for them due to the power of the Echo. He even picked up a rudimentary understanding of local plantlore, folk remedies and healing arts from both the  arcanist students that would strike up conversations with him at his workplaces, and the farmhands around La Noscea. He was eventually offered small adventuring jobs due to his solid musclulature and familiarity with healing.

[spoilers for the main scenario and expansions below]

**A REALM REBORN (aged 24)**   As a "jack-of-all-trades" sellsword Rem eventually found his way to Ul'dah on an adventuring job. From there he was was found by Thancred and recruited into the Scions of the Seventh Dawn. The events leading up to defeating the Ultima Weapon and subsequently becoming “The Warrior of Light” happened so quickly to Rem, he hardly knew how to process it or what he was getting himself into. He just wanted to help his Scion friends as they had become quite close and acted as the first sort of family Rem had since his own perished. Minfilia and Rem became especially fast friends finding that they could relate to one another.
Rem also spent a fair amount of time  with The Sons of Saint Coinach/ NOAH in their expedition into the Crystal Tower. His first impressions of the historian G'raha Tia were that he seemed showy and pompous, but later the two forged a friendship.  As Rem was only hired on as an adventurer, he was at their campsite off and on, but he always looked forward to listening to G'raha's enthusiastic lessons about Allag. Rem felt an intense bitterness when G'raha's ultimately sealed himself in the Crystal Tower. Although Rem knew he had his reasons for doing it, in his heart of hearts he felt it as almost a betrayal. Rem would think of G'raha fondly and often throughout his adventures.

**HEAVENSWARD (25)** The events of the bloody banquet in Ul'dah were shattering for Rem, but he tried to remain a stable presence for Tataru and Alphinaud thanks in large part to Haurchefant's kindness. He found that he became very sympathetic to Ysayle throughout their journeys together in Dravania, and although he did not care for Estinien, Rem tried his best to be an intermediary for both the sake of their mission and Alphinaud. Rem regretted going separate ways with Ysayle after their meeting with Hraesvelgr and, privately, still feels responsible for her fate. 

Rem was wounded in the final battle with Nidhogg that resulted in a large burn and laceration along his back and shoulder, keeping him away from physical training for many months. Rem instead threw themself into the study of healing magic and began studying healing alchemy. His purpose was two-fold; to speed his own recovery, and to gather knowledge in the event that one of their friends was hurt; a fear which was growing rapidly within Rem.

**STORMBLOOD (26)** Rem broke down after the attack on Rhalgr's Reach with his defeat during his first fight with Zenos. A culmination of all the pressure of the Dragonsong War, losing Minfilia, Papalymo, and so many others brought Rem to his wit's end and was the lowest point for him since the death of his parents. With the support of the Scions, he resolved to keep fighting no matter the personal cost, solidifying his own personal view of himself as an weapon or tool to liberate others from the tyranny of the Garlean Empire. Rem spent the majority of his time in Gyr Abania and the Far East rehabilitating and reconditioning himself by learning Red Magic after asking Alisaie for an introduction to X'ruhn Tia. He found the Crimson Duelist's style of fighting quite workable as he could still use a sword with less strain on his body than before and put the healing and white magic he had honed to good use. Eevn then, Rem continues to have some lasting nerve damage that hinders him after prolonged exertion

**SHADOWBRINGERS (27)** Upon being summoned to the First, Rem found it hard to trust the Crystal Exarch despite him being eerily familiar. The Exarch dodged any questions about G'raha Tia Rem asked, so eventually he stopped asking and kept any theories he had about the Exarch's true identity to himself (he was ultimately wrong, but still kind of close). These fleeting feelings of familiarity also applied to Emet-Selch, which were deeply unsettling to Rem. He hated the Ascian intensely for both his philosophy about the sundered and how his actions had lead to the murder of Rem's family, yet he found himself distracted by the a nagging feeling that something was eluding him, just out of reach. Upon Emet-Selch's death, Rem felt a small seed of empathy sprout for the defeated Ascian, which again conflicted and disgusted him. If he were in the same position, would he have made the same choices? Were their ideals really irreconcilable?

Upon the revelation of Exarch's true identity, Rem also came to terms with the feelings he still had carried for the Miqo'te in his heart for years. Rem, despite his courage in the face of overwhelming odds and terrible fates, was too scared to ask how G'raha felt about him after so many, many years. Still, he resolved to protect and stay by his side as long as the Exarch would have him. After the final struggle against Elidibus, Rem was terrified for G'raha's safety and overwhelmed with happiness that his and the rest of the Scion's souls had made is safely home to the Source. As the Scions received a prolonged rest to regain their strength from their extended sleep, Rem slept the most soundly he had in years. G'raha and Rem confirmed the feelings they had for each other (even though it was sickeningly obvious to everyone else), and even had a few small adventures of their own during the downtime. Despite this being the happiest and most relatively peaceful time in recent memory for Rem, he cannot let go of the anxiety that something terrible will happen to throw his life back into turmoil or that he will lose his friends again.

**ENDWALKER (28)** oh boy oh god oh man

Just Miscellaneous facts i don't know where else to put these lol

Rem prefers fitting, sturdy clothes without too many adornments. His younger self would be happy to wear a popoto sack in most situations, but while studying under X'rhun Tia he was expected to look his best as a form of discipline and to show respect to the Crimson Duelists that came before him. Since then he has tried to take better care of himself and put more effort into making himself presentable.  He enjoys indulgent baths and fragrances, and fusses with his mane quite a bit before completely giving up and letting it do whatever it wants. On fancier occasions, he would actually take the time to braid  his hair and tie it back, but most of the time its pushed back or kept in a ponytail. He trims his chin whiskers and has let his cheek fluff grow longer with age.

As he was growing up, Rem loved roaming around his mountainous village home. His mother taught him the names of many plants and animals, and she even kept bees. He could often be found dozing outside or exploring the nearby woods and dells. To this day he retains his strong ties to nature and the land.

Fearing retaliation from the Empire, Rem's father him taught him the basics of the Gunbreaker's art in the months prior to his family's demise. Razvigor had never taken much of an interest in teaching him anything to do with fighting, preferring to save it for his two elder sons, the necessity of which both terrified and angered Rem.

Rem's favorite dish is Roast Dodo with traditional Hrothgar/Ilsabardian fixings. Rolanberry cheesecake is a close second.  Other favorite of his include: Spinach Quiche, Smoked Raptor, Bacon Bread, &  Rolanberry Lassi. He's sure to enjoy any hearty stews, fish or meat dishes. 

Rem's hobbies are landscape painting, gardening, reading and cooking. He first took up art through sketching the places he's been to in his adventuring journal. Gardening was taken up while convalescing from his injury sustained when fighting Nidhogg. Cooking was practiced in his childhood and was as a family activity. Most of the dishes he cooks for others are hearty meals as he inherited the need to feed people from his mother. The time he has to devote to hobbies is sporadic at best, so he often pick up new hobbies to fill downtime only to forget about them next time he's busied by adventuring.

Combat and navigation come very naturally to him. Any other skills were gained via practice.

He's a hopeless romantic who never though he would actually be in love. Has limited dating experience, but has had many crushes. He had a brief fling with another young male Hrothgar when he was in Ilsabard and was too shell-shocked from trauma to try romance in Eorzea for years. He couldn't comprehend what his feelings for a certain Allagan historian were until it was too late to express them, nor when a certain Fortemps noble took a liking to him. Any romantic feelings were ignored, misinterpreted, or repressed because he was just too busy, he told himself. When that Allagan historian he once knew grabbed him by the scruff and told him he wanted to be by his side, it made Rem confront his feelings with an, “Oh no.” He still stubbornly hid his feelings until they were both back on the Source again. 

Rem heard whisperings from the Echo first as a child, mostly in his dreams. It wasn't until he came to Eorzea that they became more intrusive and urgent.

G'raha, Minfilia, and Alphinaud have been personal inspirations to him. He tries to remember the best parts of the people he meets and apply them to himself, but these three have made the most impact on him.

Rem's fondest memories are ones from childhood of their mother, remembering the places he's been and sights he's seen, and small, intimate conversations he's had with his friends. Saying “good morning” to G'raha is currently his favorite.

Rem's greatest flaws would be his indecision and hesitation. He's over-protective and cautious when dealing with his companions, sometimes to the point of coddling. Earlier in his life he was too trusting and naive, and the many times he's been burned have made him ever on guard. He relies on the people around him for support and to find the strength within himself, but he's terrified of what would happen should he fail them.

Rem has a pet lamb named Chops. It stayed on his property in The Mist until it grew too large from grazing on the front lawn. He's taught it how to come when called and can ride around on it. Because that's just what you do with large herbivores, you make silly little mounts out of them.

He has built up some negative thoughts about himself due to his role as the Warrior of Light. For years, he only thought of himself as a weapon, and would do whatever he needed to do as long as he got to stay by his companion's sides. G'raha has challenged these thoughts when they surface in conversation, and has been helping to undo some of the complexes Rem has built around himself. (Rem could never be a Dark Knight, lol)

Rem has never gotten along with Estinien, mostly due to the dragoon's dour and pragmatic personality. Rem is instantly drawn to other Echo-bearers in solidarity (hence his fast friendship with Minfilia), so he couldn't help but take Ysayle's side when she and Estinien would bicker (although he died try to stay out of it, for Alphinaud's sake). Over time their relationship has mostly evolved from bitterness into a rivalry of sorts (Rem is still salty that Estinien had to save him in the Ghimlyt Dark). The fact that G'raha sees Estinien as another idol figure also secretly burns Rem up. Rem (who is usually easy-going and accommodating) isn't used to being jealous, so it's painfully obvious to almost everyone else that he envies Estinien where G'raha is involved. G'raha, however, remains oblivious and keeps insisting that they should both have lunch with Estinien sometime, and Rem dies a little inside each time.

Rem rarely drinks after being served poisoned ale in Falcon's Nest. He gave it up entirely for almost 2 years, save for the night the scions and the people of the Crystarium celebrated the night's return and salvation of the First. Rem had a few too many, confessed his feeling about the Crystal Exarch to Y'sthola, Urianger and Thancred. (G'raha was thankfully out of earshot) and promptly fell asleep. Thancred and Urianger had to drag him to his bed in the Pendants. Rem doesn't remember a thing. He now only indulges during social occassions, and usually limits it to a single cup.