✿❧ tawnystar



3 years, 11 months ago
Trade Listing
For Trade
For Offer



Name- Tawnystar

Previous name(s)- Tawnykit, Tawnypaw, Tawnyshard

Age- 51 moons

Gender/pronouns- She-cat, she/her

Sexuality- Lesbian

Allegiance- Terraclan leader


Mother- Plumfather

Father- Turtledapple


Tawnystar is a tall calico cat with ginger, black, and cream coloring. She has brilliant blue eyes and medium-length fur. 


She is extremely devoted and loyal to her clan and clanmates. She would never even consider breaking the warrior code. She does come off as cold and uninterested, but she acts this way to insure nothing gets in the way of her being the best leader she can for her clan. Although, she is sarcastic and rude to outsiders. She does not mess around, and has no patience when it comes to immaturity. Tawnystar is not the biggest fan of kits, either. As a warrior, Tawnystar, or Tawnyshard at the time, was very chill and cool. She was laid back and polite, often messing around and breaking rules with her friends. Young cats often call Tawnystar uncool compared to the old Tawnyshard. Tawnyshard was humorous and playful, but Tawnystar is nothing like that now. Tawnystar is very insecure on the inside, but she'd never dare to show that side of her. 


Voiceclaim- You say by Lauren Daigle