Jason "J. P." Palmer Lemmings




World-famous writer/researcher in past and retired elder in present. Xander is/was inspired by them perhaps?
many people perhaps don't know they are retired.
comes from the Mountains and is an Avesmon
They've written a few famous biographies, and also some fictional works in their teen and young adult years, and older years they began to focus on true stories based on tragedy.
Nowadays they are retired from their stories and have just gone off to live their life.
They are in their 60's, close to their 70's and have gone through many tragedies themselves, involving things that caused them to finally figure out their identity.
Along the way, they found themselves with a minor form of DID, and they handle it well, though it causes them a bit of stress knowing many people don't understand or respect them for it. It is also quite hard living this way, confusion makes up their day-to-day life, but with help from friends, family, and many years of counseling, they get through it safely, though it never goes away.