Hitomi Usui



3 years, 11 months ago


Hitomi Usui
4' 10"
Blood Type
Nov 5
Meat, Self-Expression, Alt Culture
Crowds, Infantilization, Loud Noises
Ultimate Piercer
Gruff and no-nonsense, Hitomi is imposing despite her miniscule height. She's ready to thrown down for people at a moment's notice. What crime got someone so kind yet tough in a correctional facility is a mystery, though..

Upon a first look, Hitomi is downright demure in body type. She's quite short and doesn't seem to be growing, but she's full of lean muscle that's been trained for self-defense and occasionally intimidation. Hitomi has many piercings: A septum piercing, two helixes, an eyebrow piercing, two upper lobes, and finally a navel piercing. She owns many varieties of piercings, but when in doubt they're likely simple and gold. Hitomi has purple eyes and olive-green hair, either assembled in a shoulder-length wavy bob or half-shaved. Freckles run across her face and dot her shoulders.

Hitomi's fashion sense focuses on two things - looking and keeping cool. Sleeves are the enemy - her usual outfit is a black tank top, a grey sleeveless parka and shorts. She typically wears either sports-type sneakers or sandals. Hitomi doesn't wear long sleeves almost ever - and in case of short sleeved tees, they're usually activewear with fabric that breathes. Lounge pants are a generally cautious yes. She's partial to greys and blacks, since her hair and eyes are already so colorful - but she owns a few muted greens and blues as well. She frequently accessorizes with spiked collars.


Hitomi is a bit of a tough nut to crack. In general, she's gruff and dead-pan, seeming almost irate at most things. But she does have patience for others - she won't become overtly aggressive unless someone is doing something she deems inappropriate. When that happens, a blunt correction can quickly escalate to a shout or a punch. She's remarkably more patient with clients when she's working, but even that has its limits.

Hitomi does has a soft side, though. She's generally forgiving to people who have wronged her if they show a genuine drive for change, and doesn't judge based on background. She also has a passion for self-expression through the medium of clothes, but especially piercings. Despite her looks, Hitomi can be generally astute.. or, at least has a good grasp on common sense. And most importantly - she cares for her friends, deeply. They're just as much a cause for her getting into trouble as anything else about her personality.

Hitomi is selectively mute, a trait that worsens when she's stressed. It frustrates her, but it's something she's had to accept over the years. She also has semi-frequent nightmares of the worst event in her life. Attention from men and unwelcomed pet names tend to set her off the most, but condesension or following her around can trigger a lot of anger in her and cause her to do things she normally wouldn't. At her worst, she will hurt someone to get revenge on them.


Early Childhood

  • Hitomi is found to be selectively mute soon after she enters elementary school. Having a limited stream of income, her father can't afford to get her expensive or specialized therapy - they focus on living with her condition rather than changing it. For a time, Hitomi tries to learn sign language but ultimately drops off. At school she is shy and usually does not speak.

  • By the end of elementary school, Hitomi is a social outcast for her inability to communicate in the day to day. She feels a growing frustration for what she perceives and weakness and wishes to be strong. Despite this, she persists with hope that things will be different.

Middle School

  • Halfway through the first year of middle school, a male student attempts to forcibly kiss Hitomi. A lifetime of resentment bubbles up and Hitomi snaps - she's suspended for the subsequent attack. When she comes back, she's different - She's cut her long hair and is in flagrant violation of the dress code, unwilling to wear a skirt. Most students mock her sudden image change. Until she proves herself fully willing to fight for her new lifestyle, at least.

  • Soon enough, Hitomi is a truant - but she's also gained a passion for self-expression in the immutable art of piercings. Her father doesn't let her get one so she does it herself, and it turns out she's very good at it. After being caught giving other students who were willing to pay up rather expert piercings, she's taken under the wing of a shop owner who professionally trains her. Hitomi feels like she'd found her passion and is reapplying herself at school. The parlor is reaping the rewards of employing a prodigy, as well.

Prior to Scouting

  • Working in a tattoo and piercing parlor part-time has its downsides. Many of Hitomi's clients are older folk, and a particular man takes an interest in her. Hitomi begins to feel like she's being watched on her way from from work and school as she deals with an overly friendly client who keeps requesting her specifically for increasingly odd piercings. After a confrontation near her work occurs, the man is barred from entering the establishment again by her mentor has a police report filed on him. But Hitomi still doesn't feel safe.

  • Hitomi goes home from school one day and doesn't come back. After two days, a wellness check is called on her house - a horrible smell is coming from the area. Hitomi and two others are retrieved from the residence. She plans on pleading guilty to all charges before Hope's Peak intervenes. Soon enough, she is admitted to the Correctional Facility for Troubled Ultimates.



Brass Knuckles - The perfect self-defense weapon if your preferred method of punishment is fists. Wait, what is this doing in a gacha machine!?

Heated Blanket - There’s nothing like heat therapy to melt away your stress.


Fidget Ring - A silver ring with an outer section you can spin around. It moves silently.

Noise-Cancelling Headphones - With no white noise to distract you, you can finally observe how poor the sound quality is.


Forby - A virtual pet you can raise to have a unique personality. It can secretly record phrases and play them back to you, so please don’t swear.

Trashy Romance Novel - The dramatic story of a tragic heroine being fixed by a male suitor. To some, a heart-pounding adventure. To others, exploitation.


Hitomi's mother passed away in child birth. She was raised with only her father as close family - her mother's family hated her father for supposedly killing his wife, and his side of the family weren't particularly nice people to begin with. When Hitomi was younger, her only companion as a Forby she would talk to. But, that thing turned out to be possessed. She fears both Forbys and ghosts as a result. Hitomi's a pretty good student - she does well in academics, but the way it gets taught is usually really stifling for her. She binds and one days wants to get top surgery, but worries about disappointing people in her life. Hitomi thinks exercise and a shower after are one of the best stress relievers next to silence. Teriyaki is her favorite snack. Sometimes she sketches in her free time but refuses to show anyone the results. She used to be a bit of a dog person, until she got a cat.

Heavy spoilers below, as well as a warning for graphic content including death and violence.

Hitomi came home one day to a gruesome scene - her father, one of the few people in her life who she could rely on, was dead in the kitchen and his body wasn't in great shape. Then her stalker attacked. Her shock and size gave him an advantage, but after a significant struggle she was able to overpower him by channeling her grief into anger and a general fight response. He'd under-estimated her because she was small and young.

Once he was inpacitated, she should have called the police and turned him in. However, Hitomi had a genera distrust of authority, especially police, and in the midst of a mental breakdown felt that prison would never be a harsh enough punishment for the man who tried to take advantage of her and ruined her life. She thought of a punishment only she could give - that if he wanted piercings from her so damn bad, she'd give them to him. Once caught by police, she turned herself in, thinking she had no life left for her anywhere, let alone anyone she recognized as family. Things turned out better for her, of course.. but that's for roleplay to explore ;)