


3 years, 10 months ago


A character from a completed Starfinder campaign

Ren Nilalkamulka

Age: Twenty-ish

Race: Kayal

Class: Operative (Ghost)

Theme: Street Rat

Alignment: Neutral Evil, technically

Background: Cursed with extremely poor luck even before her birth, Ren was born prematurely to a pair of already-divorced Kayal, and was immediately dropped on her head. After becoming a ward of the state, Ren was shuffled around from one foster home to another, but was never adopted, again due to poor luck. Her final foster home was extremely religious, which caused her to act out in an attempt to be sent back to the group home, which she hated slightly less. This lead to her dropping out of high school and joining a street gang.

The gang gave her a sense of belonging, which she had craved for her entire life. One night, cops raided the gang's hideout, and the Boss let Ren get captured and take the fall for the rest of the crew, """promising""" to break her out of prison in the future.

Ren was released from prison on good behavior some time later, at which point she stole a spaceship and fled the planet.

She drifted from one station to another, using her ability to shapeshift to commit petty theft and avoid capture, until the day she impersonated the wrong elf.

As part of a gambit to prove to Lia that Crime Pays Very Well, Ren joined the crew, making no secret of her self-serving interests. Lost the gambit almost immediately, and stayed on the crew because Other Stuff pays even BETTER than Crime!

Campaign Progression Stuff below the spoiler:

Stole an albino squox to hawk it on the darkweb. Did too many drugs and realized the squox "is the same as her," and kept it. Her name is Corpsegrinder, and she's extremely well cared-for.

Ren eventually tracked down and met her parents, who are just Regular People who gave her up because they thought it would be the best thing for her.

Started screwing around with Lia after realizing their mutual attraction, then caught feelings. OOPS??????

Personality: Initially suspicious of everyone, assuming the crew to be just as self-serving as her and possibly awaiting the opportunity to stab her in the back, just like her old gang. Does not respect authority, except for Lia, who earned it.
Secretly craves stability and that sweet, sweet sense of belonging.
Gradually warmed up to the crew and no longer insults (most of) them to their faces, and would in fact take a bullet for them, though she will deny this.

Abilities: Shapeshifting, turning invisible, phasing through solid matter, fancy trick shots with her gun.
Actually really good with animals, and tamed a completely feral squox.

Wardrobe & Appearance: Thin and lithe. Grey skin. Yellow, pupil-less eyes that glow slightly. Black hair that she either pins up, braids, or more commonly braids half of and leaves half over her face. Ears are pierced in three places, and she usually wears spiked studs. Has a sternum tattoo.
Spacesuits. Masks that cover the lower half of her face. Shirt and tanks with offensive words and imagery. Trench coats and biker jackets with innumerable extradimensional pockets. Baggy pants. Steel-toed boots that she affectionately dubbed "ass-stompers."

Trivia: Her parents actually named her Kariashti, but her name was changed when she was very young by a family that was fully intending on adopting her for reals. Shortly after this name change, she was sent back to the group home and never encountered that family ever again.