Gossamer Tarentelle



3 years, 10 months ago


“'Will you walk into my parlor?' said the Spider to the Fly."

A man of few words and unnervingly sly wit, Gossamer knows how to strike fear in the hearts of the weak...or at least those who are intimidated by him to begin with. To everyone else? He’s just a little...odd. Whether he doesn’t have a sense of humor or his is just too deep for anyone else to understand is a mystery. He's a total recluse making social interactions rare and brief. Gossamer would much prefer the company of a lengthy book and a record player than even attempting any sort of small talk.

His six arms make him an excellent knitter. His webs intricately spun to create beautiful tapestries and uh...”sweaters”. He'll gladly offer you a warm cup of tea and a cozy place to sit but in exchange you now have to help him finish up by holding the yarn and keeping quiet.