
3 years, 11 months ago


‘Saltire’ in the Sky

Class: Arcane Trickster 

Race: Tabaxi 

Age: 24 Years Old

Nickname: Sal

Appearance: Black Panther Tabaxi. Bright Blue eyes. Torn left ear. Slender atheistic frame. Blue runic tattoos on her right arm that glow when she uses magic. Has a fire Opel pendent. Never wears shoes.


Shining Lands Clan in the marshlands on the edge of the descent a distance from Ank'Harel, Marquet

Familiar: Harris. Preferred form being that of a Brahminy Kite

Personal Belongings:

  • Her Fathers Short Sword
  • Fire Opel Necklace


Twin Brother: Sign of the ‘Cross’

Relationship: Very strong friendship when they were younger got distant as they got older.

Appearance: Jaguar but darker in colour 

Father: Clan Leader, Storm Over the ‘Dune’ 

Relationship: Very much a daddy’s girl. Wanted to grow up in his pawsteps

Appearance: Black Panther 

Mother: ‘Petal’ down the Stream

Relationship: Her mother was her rock and while she was a daddies girl she looked to her mother when she was in need of guidance.

Mother: Jaguar 

Clan is made up of tiger, lion, cheetah, puna Tabaxi (Big Cats accustomed to Heat)

Character Strengths: 

  • Stealth 
  • Cunning
  • Smarter than she looks due to wizard training  

Character Flaws: 

  • Untrusting 
  • Will jump to conclusions 
  • Likes shiny things (particularly red/orange/yellow gem stones) 
  • Thinks she is more charismatic than she actually is 


She’s from a rich tribe on the continent of Marquet that deal in rare gems. While prosperous the clan regularly gave wealth to the poorer communities around the area.  

She and her brother was born in the hot sun months to the clan leaders. The twins birth was seen as a sign of good will to the clan and it was followed by celebration. Their names were inspired by two crossing clouds in the sky.

Unlike her brother Saltire was born with the runes on her arms which showed the deep arcane abilities she held.

Saltire originally wanted to pursue a life of being a wizard due to flowering arcane ability from a young age and had great potential to be the next leader. 

Her parents supported her decision and they got her tutors from the city and she began to be mentored and focusing her abilities. 

She had no intent to take over the clan after her father and this was well known by her parents and can however they seen a great leader in her and hoped she would change her mind as she aged. And at the time of her expulsion (4 years prior to game starting) from the clan she was beginning to want to take over and was showing interest in her fathers leadership.

Due to this favouritism from the clan and her father, her brother got jealous and he became blinded by his want for power.

This resulted in one night that Saltire went to her fathers tent after a late night patrol of the territory and found her father dying with a magic wound on his chest. Her mother was luckily on a trading mission at the time.

She held him as he died, his last words to her being ‘Protect the clan’ and he gave her his short sword.

Her brother came to face her in their fathers tent having framed her for their fathers death as he has secretly been dealing with the darker side of magic, making a deal to get magic to overpower his sister. They fought resulting in her torn ear. 

Using her magic she overpowered her brother but he shouted for the guards and she was found ‘red handed’ standing over her fathers body, her brother on the floor and magic flaring in her hands. 

She was forced to run away from her home, running from everything she knew, her clan in disbelief about their golden girl killing her father and their leader.

She was chased by her clan, her family, her friends, her teachers. Eventually reaching a deep fast flowing river, to escape she had 2 choices, jump or die.

She thought she had died but woke up a long time later on the bank of a river.

Alone, injured and scared she traveled to the coast where there was a port and hid on a ship and traveled to mainland Tal’Dorei. 

She traveled from city to city hitching rides with strangers, the poorer sort, she never has time for the rich, offering them protection to get from place to place. At this time Hawick was her only friend, the familiar a constant and reliable friend.

When reaching a city she turned to stealing and scamming others to survive her Arcane skills turning from the makings of a wizard to that of a magic fuelled rogue.

She has the tendency to scam others. Using her mysterious appearance and magic to lure unexpecting individuals and robbing them.

So after the incident with her brother and the clan she fled Marquet to the main land by boat. Amon is where she ended up due to it being a very busy shipping city.

The couple years following were not her best and a considerable dark time in her life. She first kept alive by stealing from the richer individuals and that’s how she was picked up and recruited by the clasp. 

They gave her small jobs at first but found she was a capable fighter and assassin. She killed and tortured many individuals in 3 years and did get a name for herself within the clasp, being referred to as ‘Black Shadow’. She didn’t take pride in the work but it gave her something to focus on, and she refused to take any jobs that involved hurting or stealing from the poor.

She met Moon in Emon after she was cornered in an alley by some unhappy individuals that had been scammed by her a few nights before. They had ganged up and beaten her and Moon came to help her, scaring then away.

She stays with him due to his promise of helping her find the reason/source of her magic/tattoos and the prospect of helping her get stronger. And in return she will ‘acquire’ / ‘find’ items such as spell scores and ink for him.


Friends: Scared of water

Family: Doesn’t know where/why/how she got her tattoos, just that she was born with them. Feels her life would be easier without her magic/blames her source of magic for the hurt in her life.

Personal: Why she is scared of water? Why she feels her magic has caused many issues and that is basically destroyed her life. Family is a sore spot to her.

Biggest Fear: Fast running water