Tove McGarthy



3 years, 11 months ago


Tove McGarthy

Age: 34

Genotype: Non Commonality Human 

Homeworld: Earth

Occupation: Navy


Father: Henry McGarthy

Mother: Falena McGarthy


  • Edward (15 Years Older)
  • Taliesin (10 Years Older)
  • Delano (8 Years Older)
  • Milo (5 Years Older)

Priced Possessions

  • Taliesin’s Dog Tags
  • Photo of her family with the 4 farm collies they had at that time


Age 0 - 18

Tove was born to a farming family. While being old fashioned in comparison to the more advanced technology in 2150 some farms still continued the old ways. This is because many richer individuals preferred old school farming over newer cloning and genetically mass made meats, with it being organic and all.

They had a small but busy sheep farm.

She was the youngest of 5 and the only girl. Growing up with 4 older brothers wasn’t easy but meant Tove quickly learnt to stand up for herself. 

Her brothers looked out for their baby sister and while they tried to keep her out of trouble she was the one that caused the most trouble. She’d constantly come home with scraped knees and bruises from playing in the hay sheds or getting knocked over by the small group of dogs they had. 

They weren’t well off so Tove didn’t see much in the way of credits when she was younger but she didn’t take notice. She was happy in her little bubble of innocence and loved helping on the farm. She especially liked helping at lambing time and helping train the sheep dogs, which were still more reliable than robots.

Her family did however benefit from a genetic mutation that has become hereditary in their family, that mutation being dark vision. This occurred when her great grandfather was down on credits so offered to be part of a research project. Little did they know that the genetic modification would become something that could be passed on genetically.

It wasn’t until she was old enough to go to school that she realised there was a world away from the farm. She hated school and couldn’t wait for the holidays.

However one summer when she was 7, the family went to the annual aircraft show at the local military base. As the various different planes and jets flew over head Tove knew she one day wanted to be the person flying those planes and gave her a drive to go to the Navy. She also wanted to be able to give her parents credits so they could enjoy retirement. 

With this new ambition Tove threw herself into school and studied as hard as she could in the hopes of being able to get into Military Academy.

She was closest to her brother Taliesin who was a pilot in the Navy, sadly he died after his 2nd term in a crash when Tove was in high school. The crash was deemed a ‘technical issue’ with the on board AI, adding to a dislike for robots.

This destroyed Tove and she shut herself away but it didn’t stop her wanting to follow her dream, Taliesin wouldn’t have wanted that. She still has Taliesin’s dog tag that she keeps alongside her own.

Age 18 +

As soon as she could Tove went to Military academy and graduated (without honours) after working very hard for those 4 years. She kept her head down and didn’t get distracted by any social events.

After graduating Tove joined the Navy as an officer and specialised in Flight.

First Term (Officer):

She foiled an attempted sabotage on board despite being offered a lot of credits to keep quiet. 

  • Gain an Enemy
    •  ‘Ted Gilbert’ Ex-navy officer gone rogue after he was found stealing.

Second Term (Sub-Lieutenant):

Her vessel participated in a notable military engagement. 

  • Gained Pilot (Space Craft) 1

Third Term (Lieutenant):

Life Event

  • Gained a Contact

Now Commander 

Reluctantly left her family when the Avalon needed crew. Hoped she’d see them again but accepted that this was unlikely to happen.

Random Information  

  • All the sheep dogs she trained had names beginning with R (Rufus, Ringo, Ritch, Riley)
    • Her favourite dog was Riley, a black and white border collie, she took time from work to be with him when his time came. 
  • Much prefers flying jets over space crafts, the sense of speed and high agility is what she dreamt of as a kid
  • Not overly fond of cats, she’s a dog person. The farm cats always seemed to have it out of her and would jump out from behind hay bales at her, so she doesn’t trust cats at all
  • Very unfamiliar with relationships, never really had friends and never been in a relationship.
  • Very law abiding
  • Very proud of her time in the Navy and her position but is aware her position pretty much means nothing so far away from her original time 
  • Does look down on those that have drifted
  • Not a fan of technology that she can’t control, so that is why she thinks robots are iffy as many have their own AI. It makes them dangerous in her mind.
  • Was part of the Avalon crew but not the actual captain. 
  • She has always been driven by a task and had an individual that was ranked above her giving orders, so she’s now rather lost without that structure.
  • The sense of responsibility of being a captain is scary as she feels she needs to protect this group of misfits that she has found herself with. She does wonder why she survived while so many didn’t, does beat herself up with this thought. 
  • She thought she was a decent pilot but being on a space ship without other Navy trained personnel she has realised she knows very little.

Feels very much out of her comfort zone and lost, but wouldn’t admit that to the party.