


3 years, 11 months ago


i havent actually draw him in like 500 years

Atlas was one of the first Pokemon ever created, and he wasn't even sentient. Or a Pokemon. He was a golem intended to stop the fighting between the weather trio and situate the land to their specifications without any fighting. However, the Lake Trio made it their project to give him sentience, named him Regigigas, and taught him as much as they were able to across the years. He's a very tired man, but still chugging along like he did millions of years ago. 

He spent a lot of time mingling with mortals, falling in love, dealing with the loss of mortal Pokemon, family, and civilizations long past. He became a well known researcher and sculptor and possibly one of the most well known Legendary Pokemon. When Arceus sealed the world and the Legendaries, Atlas went willingly, and had slumbered deep within Snowpoint Temple for 1000 years.

Because of his unique make up, and the fact that him and his children were not born traditionally, he is one of the few Pokemon in the entire known universe who is impervious to the primal energy.