Coloris The Alien ((REWRITING) Full Info)



27878270_KItLO5Wh23OpzIP.gifFull Info27878270_KItLO5Wh23OpzIP.gif

Name: Coloris
Nicknames: Sai
Age: ???
Gender: Female
Species: ???
Height: 3'7"
Weight: 45kg
Sexuality: ???
Birthday: ???
Home Kingdom: Space, Crash landed to Mobius in the Rock Kingdom where she resides now.
Crush/BF: N/A
Theme: She - Coloris
Family: Her Adoptive Mothers; Marzipan Moon The Rabbit & Amber The Kangaroo And Her Adopted Sister, Ruby Moon The Rabbit

Perky & Talkative. Coloris is a dopey chatty girl who's always down for anything, in fact she's so down with anything that she forgoes any common sense. She's incredibly curious due to her amnesia and finds herself getting into bad and even dangerous situations including getting into strangers cars... more than once. She's the kind of character who'll press the big red button even without being prompted if that gives you any idea. Coloris is always questioning things even if she's already been told the answer before and this can cause people to get frustrated with her quickly especially when she flits from one question to the next without a heartbeat in between them. She's very naive and without Ruby's almost constant guidance will talk to anyone and agree to anything, That being said she's always happy to talk to anyone and help them with whatever problems they may have which makes her incredibly likeable to anyone she speaks to. Coloris is incredibly excitable and at the sight of anything new, like a kid she'll run off towards the big shiny new thing and do whatever she can to get a chance to play with it or learn about it, happily and naively making a large scene in public about it. While Coloris has a bold and colourful personality without her "sister" Ruby around she can get rather anxious as she's unsure of where she is and quickly descends into worry about where she is and if her family is OK which happens alot as she tends to run off. She also gets rather upset when anyone goes to touch her hair without permission seemingly for no reason, but then hypocritically will pounce on any passerby's fluffy tail if they so happen to have one. Due to Coloris' amnesia a lot of her experiences that build up her personality have been forgotten and she comes off as very childlike due to missing those experiences, but she's loved by her friends and her new family and is overly excited to be able to make new ones and experience new things in their place.
Closest Friends: Ruby Moon The Rabbit, Sapphire The Bat Cat, & Sugar Rush The Seedrian
Likes: Fluffy tails, Learning New Things & Technology.
Dislikes: Water (Shes "Allergic"), Sitting Still & People Touching Her Hair.
Favorite Food: Skittles & Any Soda

Being rewritten. . .

Fun Facts: • She can't touch water as it sets of her "allergies". • She gives everyone she meets a new nickname to help her remember them better.
Alliance: Neutral, hasn't been around long enough to understand the difference lol.

27878270_KItLO5Wh23OpzIP.gifAbilities & Weapons: Electromagnetic Pixels & Machine Manipulation27878270_KItLO5Wh23OpzIP.gif

•Electromagnetic Pixels:
Coloris can produce small electromagnetic pulses in the shape of small colourful pixels which she  uses to attack her enemies. Depending on how strong she wants her attack  to be she can either paralyze her opponents for a short time or deliver  a harsher attack which knocks them out completely.

Coloris has one final attack which she doesn't even realize that she can do herself. If she takes her gloves  off and touches her hand to an object while using her powers she can pixelize it, this causes the object in question to dissolve completely  via. colourful pixels. Ruby is the only one aware of this power and  tries to make sure Coloris keeps her gloves on at all times.

•Machine Manipulation:
Coloris can penetrate any machines interface with the touch of her hand and  control it to her wishes, however the bigger the machine the more energy  it takes to control it therefore she tends to stick to smaller gadgets.  Due to her dimwitted ways she sometimes does this uncontrollably on her  friends video games and ends up "cheating" to win. She's also accidentally caused and ATM to rain bank notes in the street and has since been banned from that bank.

27878270_KItLO5Wh23OpzIP.gifCurrent Reference27878270_KItLO5Wh23OpzIP.gif27878289_XfyTZfVqR2LLAsH.png