


4 years, 4 days ago


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  • CREATOR ArzinPhoenix
  • DESIGNER ArzinPhoenix
  • WORTH $98,00
  • Fighting
  • Violence
  • Meat
  • Snow/cold places
  • Soft affection
  • Sew
  • Alcohol
  • Loud noises
  • Closed/tigh/high places
  • Warm temperatures
  • 'White coats'
  • Not being taken seriously
  • Crownds
  • Dogs


× Aziyah is the typical sterotype of demon who only cares about destroying everything in his way but with a single difference, he do cares about people if given enough chances.

× He hates not being taken seriously, even tho he is not the brightest mind in the flock. He is somewhat innocent, given being raised in a dark cage made him private of even the most common sense, extremely honest whenever something bothers him or he doesnt understand a word being sayed. Has a hard time understanding the meaning of many words and will often rely on Yoshi to explain for him.

× The demon is secretly highly insecure, shoving deep his fears and weaknesses seeing them as a way for people it against him just like they used to do back when he was a child. He doesnt let any emotion control him, staying with his cold and amused expression all the times.

× PAST ×

× His origins are unknown, he was stolen when was just an egg by a group of hunters and taken for a underground arena, a place who creatures from all sorts of sizes and types were taken to fight for simply human fun.

× In there scientists would work constantly with sayed creatures to make the fights more entertaining for the public, once Azi hatched he was immediately taken for experimentation, resulting in him growing up hating everything and everyone around him. He became extremely agressive and paranoid of his surroundings, given he was only taken out for more tests or for a night full of exhaustive fights.

× Aziyah has a antenna sticking out of his skull right behind his left horn, quite impossible to notice being easily mistaken by one of his spikes from the neck. The thing is responsable for constant static in Azi's head, making immense headaches and eventually him lose control of himself for whole. In those rage episodes Azi has no control of himself, becoming exacly what the doctors wanted, a killing machine. Tho their plan blackfired, their creation couldnt even be controled by them, soon Aziyah managed to escape the arena and destroying the whole place in the process.


× After the escape of the underground facility, Aziyah explored the big open world in front of him, soon discovering how demons were disliked and how he shouldnt even exist in there without a master from a summony. Soon enough he took the job of bounty killer, doing what he wanted and pleased trough his way and enjoying of his job.


× In one of his bounty killer jobs, he found a strange lady who for even stranger reasons seemed to sympathize with Aziyah and give him a magic crown who seemed to simply float above his head whenever he would go or do. Not even realizing, he had become a god of calamity, responsable to bring chaos and bad luck to anywhere he goes.

  • Seam
  • Taxidermy
  • Carpentry
  • Watching wild life
  • Bring misfortune
  • Frown whenever is confused
  • Constantly move his tongue like a snake
  • Puff white smoke out of his nostrils if irritated/annoyed
  • Despite having wings, doesnt fly
  • Always watching his surroundings
  • Great sense of smell/hearing
  • Extremely good vision
  • Healing especially great
  • Can shapeshift to any creature simply looking at it once
  • Doesnt need sleep
  • Cannot see any color but red
  • Extremely sensitive with loud noises
  • Cannot read/write
  • Warm temperatures slow him down
  • Lack social-skills and angry issues
  • Tracking
  • Hunting
  • Taxidermy
  • Carpentry
  • Shapeshifting
  • High/tigh/closed places
  • Dogs
  • Loves affection even being pet
  • Highly insecure
  • Cares bout Yoshi
  • × Not all white markings change color.

    × Optional silver earrings.

    × Crown above head is NOT optional.

    × Always with an angry/disgusted/frowing expression.

    × Dog collar has silver details/keychans.

    × Can be drew with scars and heavy gore.

    × Symmetrical markings.

    × Look into his gallery for more info.

  • "What the fuck is 'wisdom'??"
  • "I will make you eat your own eyeballs."
  • "Why is so damm bright during day"
  • "Hiro, tell the guy I dont give a fuck."
  • "I have no idea what you just sayed but I hate you."
  • "Why would I care if they die? they aint fun anyway"
  • × Very ignorant, is not ashamed to ask about something but hates being called stupid.
  • × Some of the experiments he suffered when young involved dogs and being kept in very high places in some kind of torture.
  • × Is fascinated for other red objects other than blood.
  • × Used to do self-harm curious of his own insides.
  • × Severe angry issues, mostly caused by all the trauma and paranoia. The dispositive in his head also is the big cause of his nervouseness and fury, the thing keep making incessant noises trough his skull until he eventually loses control.


× They meet each other in the underground arena, Yoshi was also being kept for experiments when Aziyah was older. Azi see him as a brother.

× Yoshi at the start though Azi was just another evil and cruel demon without feelings, tho after being helped by the same, he immediately saw how he was wrong. Separated by a wall, they still managed to get along with each other talking and knowing each other better. That until Aziyah managed to break up from his cage and free them all of that place.