

3 years, 11 months ago


You gaze into the abyss, the starry night above.
The lights twinkle in the inky blackness.
As the stars move above you, the crushing feeling of insignificance bears down.
You are but a tiny speck in the grand scale of the immense body of creation.
Your struggles, your accomplishments, everything that makes you you.

As the unsettling feeling becomes too much, you lock your eyes upon the mask of oblivion. The Great Unknown.
It's shapeless body obscured by the drapes of tears flowing from it's face. Blending in with the nothing that it inhabits.
As you gaze into the Abyss,
The Abyss glares back.

“Cosmic Horror - Fear and awe we feel when confronted by phenomena beyond our comprehension, whose scope extends beyond the narrow field of human affairs and boasts of cosmic significance.” The Being’s intentions are almost entirely unknown, origin unknown, and what it is is unknown. It is UNKNOWN. Things I can tell about UNKNOWN however:
- Always speaks in Standard Galactic. Always speaks it, always writes it.
- Only seen by very select few people, and it's mainly in their heads.
- Manifests in a variety of different things in both dream and reality. Sometimes people are seen wearing it, sometimes he can be seen just as he is floating around in crowds, and my personal favorite is him appearing in the night sky right before the crushing pressure knocks people out.
* Note, I don't just mean him floating. I literally mean he's massive, in the sky, and looking down at you. His body is the stars, a crushing presence looming over all.
- Whenever you see him, dream or reality, there is a sense of disconnect. A feeling of wrong but you can't place it. Reality loses its meaning and odds are you are gonna get fucked up either by yourself or other people.
- UNKNOWN doesn’t seem to just enter people’s minds at random, he only afflicts those who have things in their past that generate guilt within their hearts. Regret. While he can enter the minds of anyone who’s mentally unsound, it’s almost as if he has taken a particular liking in delving into the past and picking apart past wounds.
- He never attacks. Ever. No physical damage comes to the folk who do see him. No physical damage can come to him either. He stands, staring. Moving sure, breaking all conventions of physics absolutely. Never attack. The only thing he does is emit a small hum, fuck with brains, and create a lot of pressure.

Vipers Follow You - Amon Tobin
Velvet Owl - Amon Tobin
Brushed Aluminium Reeds - Amon Tobin