
3 years, 11 months ago


Altair has a very calming personality, and moves with smooth, fluid motions, which enhances Altair's already relaxing aura. Though, their relaxing personality does not match their sharp tongue. They are very fond of using sarcasm, so much so that at times, it is hard to tell when they are being serious or not.

One of the main ways that Altair tries to cheer people up, their main trademark, is using dad jokes. Altair has a horrible sense of humor. They find dad jokes absolutely hilarious and will waste no opportunities to use them. Be warned.

Another thing about Altair is that despite their kind personality, if someone insults them, they do not take it lightly. Altair doesn't care about insults about their looks or personality, but if you insult their work quality or their work ethic... prepare to get suffocated in their giant mass of a tail. They will also not stand for people belittling themselves; Altair does not understand how people can't see how amazing they really are.