
  • Maxwell Blueberry

  • age 19
  • gender Male, he/him
  • SpeciesHuman
  • AlignmentNeutral Good
  • OccupationUniversity student

Strategic • Smart • Suspenseful

Max is a second-year Fairweather university student, specialising in computer engineering. His bright ideas rot away in the slow and easy computer science courses but he doesn't mind; that way he can focus on socialising!

He is smart and imaginative as well as crafty, making little robots and small machines in his free time. He has a knack for arithmetic problems and mathematics, letting his old PC crunch equations back home.

He has found himself in a nice four-people s q u a d and memes everything to death.

I would say he's the chaotic good of the group.

 "You can come to me if your PC explodes. Haha kidding... unless?" 

height 1.79 m / 5' 10''

birthday 15th May

Body type A square robot


Sexuality Straight

Relationship status Single

Handedness Right-handed

Current Location Fairweather


  • computers
  • repairing electronics
  • obscure ska punk bands
  • good bad movies


  • mechanical devices
  • being ignored
  • long queues
  • bad bad movies


  • He is a human with light skin.
  • His hair is brown. It is wavy and long with a distinct tuft curling at the top. His bangs are messy.
  • He has a square-shaped face.
  • His eyes are round in shape. His irises are square and grey in colour. I would describe them as "robotic".
  • His eyebrows are thick and square and his nose is stubby, long and round. 
  • His ears are distinctly more square-ish than my usual style and his mouth is quite angular in expressions.
  • His body type is quite square in shape. He gets a bit chubbier towards the bottom.
  • His clothing style is casual and modern, with many pins and patches (of things he likes) on his hoodies. 
  • The main colours he wears are red and blue.

Fun Facts

  • His favourite colour is red!
  • He loves watching movies, especially the so-bad-they're-good ones.
  • He sends Nathan a lot of confusing memes.
  • He has a lot of siblings, including Arin!
  • He likes putting pins and patches on his clothes.
  • His hair is a continuous mess of floof.
  • He listens to mostly everything; from electronic music to ska punk.


[ brother ] Max' little brother Arin is a happy-go-lucky guy; and Max fully supports him. He might not describe his time in school all too well, but his older brother hopes it's all fine. Hopefully. Arin has been saying he has been making friends so... that's good right?



[ close friend ] Celly is one of Max' closest friends in university. He loves to talk to her and s c h e m e with her as the self-titled "chaotic duo". However, Celly seems to spend more time with Oliver rather than Max, something which worries him. They are part of a group after all he thinks! He just hopes to grow closer to her someday.



[ friend ] These two are true bros. Max brings out Nathan's wilder side as much as possible. He sends him memes everyday, trying to familiarise him to the concept of "comedy". They also frequently watch movies together at Max' house. They're buddies!

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