


3 years, 11 months ago


 Josephine Stormborn   

 Gods and Monsters

Lana Del Ray


name: Josephine
age: 5 - 774 of the New Age
gender: Female
RANK: Renegade

nickname(s): Josie, Little Bird
BLOODLINE:  100% Windborne
BUILT: Light

Voice Actor: tba


DESIGN: Dodger's Bacon Design
eyes: Silver
MAGIC: Wind - Squiffy

Melanistic Lilac Mushroom Taffy Wolf-Sooty Restricted Fawn

Build: petite, lite and overall like a breath could easily whip her off her little feet.

Rack: so far none, it's yet unclear if she'll grow a horn, tusks or neither.

Hair: silky and shiney, yet recently unkept and always a bit tangled without any hoofmaiden to keep it tidy.

Eyes: big, silver eyes look into the world mostly frightened and confused, however there also is a king, strong soul within them.

Coat: deep shade of purple with light points and a darker back, she always was considered no top beauty in Glenmore, but fine enough.

Scars: -none-

Items/Companion(s): -none-


Gentle | Naive | Soft | Easily Intimidated | Foreign | Lost | Strong


being scared
being lost
feeling alone


Josephine's story already begins a lot more dramatic than she might ever know. Her parents were Windborne travelers who roamed the isles to trade their wares as well as to entertain with stories and song. Galah was with fawn that spring, yet since it was her first the firm opinion she'd be able to still make the swim to Glenmore as they did every spring - the pregnancy so far had been without any complication after all.
That changed however, when her mate Crow and her dared the swim and ended right in a storm and atop it all the stress and exhaustion made Galah deliever her fawn right here and there, in the middle of the ocean. Using all their strength and magic the two somehow managed to paddle to a tiny island where Galah had the fawn, but they knew, they couldn't stay there. They needed to reach save shore. Any kind of safe shore and so they headed on, doing their best to keep the fawn afloat and alive, yet their powers were fading as they did everything to reach the safe shore before it would be too late.

Meanwhile Lady Duchesse and Lord Napoleon were enjoying the fresh breath of the storm near the shore - Duchesse had recently lost a fawn to complcations and thus her Lord and her often took long walks away from the herd to take her mind away from the tragic event - when the Lady spotted the struggling pair and the newborn fawn. Not thinking, she threw herself into the waters, Lord Napoleon chasing right after her. They managed to reach Crow and Galah, who pushed the newborn onto the Lady gasping for her to care for it. Lord Napoleon did his best to save the exhausted couple in the still angry waters, yet they eventually lost them in the waves, now stuck in the mercyless waters themselves with a newborn fawn clinging to Duchesse and her to it for their lives. They tried hard, but they thought that it was all in vain and so their lives would all be over - when suddenly a huge white stag seemed to appear out of nowhere!

He shouldered all three and swam back on shore, where he dropped them to where a small doe already was waiting, telling them she was a healer and would have a look at the fawn. Lord Napoleon and Lady Duchesse were stumped by their saviors, but when the little fawn coughed a few times, then bleated, looked up and began to tumble towards Duchesse they knew that Àillte herself must've sent these pearly white saviors. The little doe and big stag however just waved off - all the little doe asked for was them to take in the fawn, love it and raise it as their own and should everything ever happen, her big white friend would be there to help them. Adopting the fawn was nothing she had to ask twice, of course - and before the royal pair knew the White Wolf and the little White Witch were gone again.

Lady and Lord kept to their promise and raised the filly - Josephine - as their own. She struggled a bit at first, maybe due to her rough and dramatic birth, but soon grew into a fine young lady, who loved to play with her lady friends, decorate herself with flowers, sing, dance and sometimes be a little mischievous, sneaking away from lessons to jump around in the dirt with the servants fawns. In whole Josephine grew up a happy and well-protected fawn with loving parents. Soon she got a little brother that she adored as well, all was good!

That all changed when Josephine became three years old - an age were magic usually would sprout if it hadn't before - but while her friends began to grow little flowers and grass, Josephine felt no connection to the earth at all. Desperate and upset she eventually came to argue with another filly - no friend really, she had often mocked her for her coat or how she looked nothing like her parents as well as she was generally known as a bully among royal fillies - yet, what happened next was nothing Josephine ever wanted, not even for the worst of bullies! Josephine grew angry, more angry than she ever had and then, when she yelled at the other filly to shut up, that was what she did. She did shut up. Forever. In a burst of magic that had nothing to do with earth magic Josephine accidently killed the other filly in a gruesome way. She disappeared for a moment, just to reappear her, body twisted and mangled unnaturally and limp - dead.

Running home absolutely hysteric, she came to find the news already having reached her parents. Her mother was in tears, her father scared like she never had seen him before. They told her about her birth and how these two strangers had saved them all. They told her that her magic was not that of Glenmore, that her blood was not of Glenmore and that she needed to flea, because she might get killed if she wouldn't. She needed to run and find the White Wolf, he would know what to do! Her parents would stay behind, to not draw any more attention as well as for the sake of her infant brother. Confused and scared Josephine didn't really question anything - she just did as told. She ran away, ran away as fast and as far into the dark forest as she could to find this White Wolf her parents had told her about. 

Year X of the New Age.


Year X of the New Age.


Skill Points

Speed: 18 [Medium Level]

Stamina: 4 [Basic Level]

Strength: 0 [Basic Level] (Build Cap: 5 points max)

Magic: 31 [Master Level] Age Cap: Medium

Herbs: 0 [Basic Level]

Crafting: 0 [Basic Level]

Experience: 0


+7 speed - base bonus

+3 stamina - base bonus

+11speed - starter bonus

+30 magic - BA starter bonus

Run and never look back...

+1 stamina - art - Run and never look back...

Meant for each Other

+1 magic - art - Meant for Each Other


 Sire: Crow (NPC) | Assumed Sire: Lord Napoleon | Dam: Galah (NPC) | Assumed Dam: Lady Duchesse

 Siblings: Lord Bonaparte

 Love Interest: -none-

 Harem(s): - none -

 Offspring: - none -

Purchase Log:

#2608 Wolf Sooty | #2629 Uncommon Design | + Bacon for Lilac | + Bacon for Squiffy and BA

Mane: Normal | Height: Normal