



Adopt page: Here!

Pisces sign adopt from the Ispilu In Space event

How he met Koun (the koi)

Kahen looked down into the water of the lake before him and sighed as he thought of the reason he was there. It was a laughable one, at least everyone else thought so, and could you really blame them for laughing at him and teasing him? How can a water sign be scared of water? He didn't know why, he just couldn't help it. He couldn't help thinking about what could be lying out of sight in the murky depths of the water. He came to the lake everyday, hoping to screw up the courage to go into it. Maybe if he forced himself to go into the water he'd overcome his fear, maybe it would be enough for him to convince himself that there was nothing to be afraid of? Kahen jumped back a few feet, breathing quickly as something emerged from the water in front of him. "Oh, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to scare you." Kahen relaxed and shook himself, it was only a koi. "It's fine, I'm just a bit nervous around the water." For the rest of the day, instead of dwelling on his fear, Kahen talked to the koi, Koun, until he had to go. Kahen kept returning to the lake everyday, however now instead of trying to overcome his fear, he spent the days chatting with Koun and they quickly became friends. A few weeks meeting Koun, Kahen once again returned to the lake on his daily trip. "Hey Kahen! Why don't you come in with me?" "Alright!" Without thinking about it Kahen started walking into the water to join Koun. When he was about knee-deep he suddenly realised what he was doing and froze. "Hey, it's okay!" Kahen looked down to see Koun swimming beside him, he had momentarily, forgotten he was there in his panic. "We can just stay in the shallows today if you want." Kahen realised what Koun was doing, he was trying to help him overcome his fear. Kahen relaxed a bit at the sight of his friend, and looking warily at the water he slowly nodded his head, summoning the courage not the sprint back to dry land. He spent the rest of the day with Koun walking in the shallows of the lake, talking all the while to try and keep Kahen's mind off what he was doing. From that day on, Kahen and Koun would go into the lake together, slowly getting deeper as Kahen gained courage week after week. After a few months Kahen could be found happily swimming in the middle of the lake with Koun. While Kahen can still feel wary of the water, he always feels more at ease when his friend is around.