


3 years, 11 months ago


Name belladonna
Age 21 years old
Gender female (she/her)
Orientation bisexual
Species north american opossum
Zodiac sign aries
will kick your ass

belladonna is confident and outspoken. when she has something to say, she’s gonna say it, regardless of what anyone else thinks. she can be snarky and unapproachable, but this is mostly used as a defense mechanism, keeping people at an arm’s length so she doesn’t get hurt.

despite her tough exterior, belladonna does have a soft side. she is fiercely loyal and will fight for any of her friends at a moment’s notice. she will be your ride or die. she is the friend that will give you tough love when you need it.

belladonna runs her own handmade candle business, affectionately named “velas a la luz de la luna.” she pours a lot of love into her products and is extremely passionate about her work. her candles are top notch!

her other hobbies include urban exploring, graffiti, and makeup.

she loves to take long walks in the city at nighttime and practice graffiti on abandoned buildings and tunnels.

her favorite color is dark purple!