Leafstar (Leafwing)



3 years, 11 months ago


Leafstar, leader of Thunderclan is a cheerful she-cat who is always looking for ways to make peace with the other clans, as well as her own. Shes eager to know about the ongoings of her clan and likes to think of herself as a friend to all her clanmates. She can commonly be seen on patrol with her warriors, chatting cheerfully with her deputy, or visiting her reclusive cousin who just wishes she would leave him alone. Leafstar had two littermates who both died of greencough right before apprenticeship, Who she loved very dearly. Hollypatch, her sister is 12 moons older than her so they never spend much time together. Leafpaw was apprenticed to Waspstar, who was surprised at the kits will to survive when green cough struck thunderclan. Leafpaw became Leafwing, who became mates with her best friend Springheart. After a few failed attempts to have kits though, they broke off and Springheart found a different mate. Leafstar was sad, but got over it quickly when Waspstar made her deputy. She was deputy for Waspstars last 3 lives before becoming leader. She has a suspiciously close relationship with the shadowclan leader Shadestar, but Shadowclan nor Thunderclan care seeing as theres never any tension between them.


 -Mother: Birchpelt

-Father: Tanglefoot

-Siblings: Bumblekit(brother) Timberkit(brother) Hollypatch(Sister) 

-Mentor: Waspstar

-Aprentices: Redbird ,Turtletooth, Wrenwhisker. 

-Mate: Springheart(ex) Shadestar

-Kits: N/A