Dahlia - 🐚



3 years, 11 months ago


Name: Dahlia

Age: 22

Birthday: February 19

Star sign: Aquarius

Gender: female

Sexuality: straight

Status: single

Flavor: taffyfloss

Clan: Rho

Power: water manipulationΒ 

Likes: swimming, walking along the beach, showing her non-Rho friends her hometown in the sea, bringing happiness and joy to others, playing with children and making them smile, parties, socializing, walks around land towns while chatting with friends

Dislikes: being alone, being stuck inside, when someone won't let her cheer them up/won't cheer up, being made fun of, cruelty, having secrets kept from her

Personality: sweet, soft baby girl, a gentle spirit who is fun-loving and carefree, she enjoys socializing, going to parties, and just being with her friends, one of the most fun and adventurous floss you'll ever meet, there's never a dull moment around her, she's very sweet and selfless and will give up her own joy to bring joy to others, such a precious and pure soul

Lives: Keh'loab Tuhk City, Rho

Occupation: business traveler, mostly doing business with floss on the surface lands, trading goods and sweet treats! Great at sales pitches and negotiation.