Suki Porroko



4 years, 1 day ago


is your dating sim even any good if you don't utilize the yandere archetype :///

Suki gives off a weird vibe from the minute the player meets her. She's always staring at you when she thinks you aren't looking, she's always brandishing knives like they're her children, and she claims to be a member of a university-sanctioned club, but fails to give you a single detail on what said club entails. Part of you wants to stay away from her, but the other? Seems to be... drawn to her.

(Suki's funny route twist is that she IS aggressive, but she's like, lecturing the player on healthy relationship dynamics and consent but in a creepy voice. Silly and fun! The club thing is bc she's a peer educator; she just feels it'd be inappropriate to brag about it to a girl she hardly knows! But, oh, you must be asking, what about the knives? And that's, well. Oh you know :) )

Suki is a Rosefinch.