


3 years, 11 months ago



Mech (male)
Young adult
Formerly Autobot, now neutral
Grounder (Opel Astra; reference)



Quicksilver has a clear and not-very-deep voice which may even squeak under strong emotions. Usually his speech is calm and steady but it may grow hasty if he’s nervous or annoyed.

Even if Quicksilver is tall, he’s also very slender and doesn’t have much brawn. He has lost his left servo and got it replaced later which is easy to spot. This new servo’s long and sharp digits are useful when reaching for something or carrying a stack of papers. His movements are usually measured and he may stay long periods of time in one position, for example if he’s lost in thoughts while working.

Although Quicksilver doesn’t have a visible mouth, he does have an intake. The lowest part of his faceplate splits in two as it is actually a mask, and behind these parts is an intake hole. It's not a mouth, it's a slot: there's a big difference. No lips, no teeth, no any features to show any emotions. As soon as he's done drinking or eating, he snaps the mask shut tightly, as if he's ashamed of how he looks.


Quicksilver is logical and organised mech who wants to plan things throroughly. He pays attention to details and he’s a perfectionist to excess. He enjoys doing things in his own pace patiently and hates rushing things. His motto could be “If you do something, do it well.” The job of archivist fits him like a glove.

This mech is often pessimistic and it’s very easy to annoy him. However, Quicksilver isn’t aggressive and usually settles for murmuring frustratedly if something doesn’t please him. As Quicksilver tends to be a workaholic, it’s very hard for him to relax and just let things be. He enjoys a good company but is often worn out and when he’s tired, he gets even more easily irritated. Therefore Quicksilver may be difficult to approach. Even if he’s still young, he acts very precociously.

Quicksilver does have a sense of humor and can be very talkative, but he usually hides these traits unless he really trusts his company. He doesn’t open up to anyone just like that: his trust must be earned. Under the hard shell this mech is actually very caring and faithful bot. He’s just clumsy with creating new relationships so he finds it easier to stay on his own.

Back story

Quicksilver’s original name is actually Greylock. He was apothecary before the war of Cybertron began, and he had to leave there with his big sister Flurry. Greylock started his medical studies as an assistant of a field medic while Flurry chose to join the scouts.

They were still young and the war got worse and worse. Their father (or depending on the AU a father figure) Airway, formerly a security guard and now a warrior, tried his best to protect his children but he couldn’t be there for them all the time. So when the Decepticons made their move and attacked to their base, Airway made his decision with a heavy spark.

Airway tricked Flurry and Greylock, as they both were small bots, inside the biggest escape pod he could find and sent them away from Cybertron. Although it meant that he might never meet them again, he saw it as much better option than staying in depths of the war. Later on Airway got caught from using the special escape pods without permission and he got imprisoned. He was supposed to be freed in time but he met his end as the prison was destroyed in one of the battles between Autobots and Decepticons.

Eventually the escape pod landed on the Earth. Flurry and Greylock got out only to realize that they weren’t on the Cybertron. They decided to stay close to the escape pod in case someone would arrive to look for them. They explored their vicinity in turns so there’d be always someone around the escape pod. However, they never split up for too long.

Few weeks passed. They had decided that they’d start moving soon but things took a sudden turn. So far they hadn’t seen any other bots in this planet; the night before a moving day, a few Decepticons appeared. They approached the escape pod and its Autobots, yet they didn’t see clearly the pods contect from afar. Greylock noticed these unpleasant visitors first and when Flurry was about to get out to fight, he knocked his sister out. He left Flurry on the pod and presented himself to Decepticons like he’d be the only bot around.

He didn’t have a chance against multiple Decepticons and he almost went offline as they beat him up. He even lost his left servo. Decepticons decided to take him to their base in case they’d find some use for him, but then some loner-Autobot appeared with a small spaceship and saved Greylock by destroying the Decepticons. Greylock has powered down and next time he became conscious, they were already far away from the planet Earth. He begged that they’d turn around and go look for Flurry but the loner-Autobot wasn’t willing to do that. Finally he promised to drop Greylock back on Cybertron on the way so he could go and look for his father.

When Greylock arrived to Cybertron and found out that Airway was dead, he took his father’s old spaceship and went back to Earth. He spent almost an year traveling around the planet and looking for his sister, but finally he gave up and began to travel around the world with the spaceship. When Cybertron was rebuilt again, he returned to Cybertron and started his life again, trying to forget his past and the fact that he wouldn’t been able to protect his sister. He changed his identity and became the archivist Quicksilver.


  • Quicksilver hates nicknames.
  • He never talks about his past and if someone asks about it, he changes the topic.
  • He hates dirtiness and takes always a good care of his plating.
  • Quicksilver is somewhat afraid of insects.
  • Quicksilver finds it difficult to power down and suffers from nightmares often.
  • Although he learned a few things from the medic, his skills have become rusty.
  • Quicksilver avoids thinking too much about his past by staying busy, and his calendar is always full.
  • Don’t touch anything on his desktop. Just don’t.
  • He has a soft spot for sparklings and fluffy animals (but he would never admit that).

Background texture by Transparent Textures | HTML by Eggy